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Tekijä: Lourdes Legorreta

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Although LEGORRETA Architecture has been often labeled a high modernist, its buildings are rooted in the traditional architecture of its native Mexico. Best known for geometric and planar buildings with stucco walls, painted in reds and coppers, yellows, purples, and blues, the classic Mexican house plan is a recurrent theme in LEGORRETA's oeuvre, with courtyards, water features, and arcades playing a prominent role.  Ricardo Legorreta, who shared Luis Barragan's search for a contemporary Mexican architecture, founded the firm in 1965 and was joined in the early 1990s by his son Victor, when the firm became Legorreta + Legorreta. The Mexico City-based firm, formed by more than seventy people, is currently working on projects both in Mexico and abroad. This volume features more than thirty projects from the past decade, ranging from an elegant residence in Beverly Hills and a seaside retreat in Greece to condominiums in Acapulco and houses in Mexico City. The book also includes major commercial, institutional, and educational projects in the United States, Mexico, Qatar, Africa, Brazil and Guatemala.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatLeviSwinney, SALON.Study.Library, amolholey

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Although LEGORRETA Architecture has been often labeled a high modernist, its buildings are rooted in the traditional architecture of its native Mexico. Best known for geometric and planar buildings with stucco walls, painted in reds and coppers, yellows, purples, and blues, the classic Mexican house plan is a recurrent theme in LEGORRETA's oeuvre, with courtyards, water features, and arcades playing a prominent role.  Ricardo Legorreta, who shared Luis Barragan's search for a contemporary Mexican architecture, founded the firm in 1965 and was joined in the early 1990s by his son Victor, when the firm became Legorreta + Legorreta. The Mexico City-based firm, formed by more than seventy people, is currently working on projects both in Mexico and abroad. This volume features more than thirty projects from the past decade, ranging from an elegant residence in Beverly Hills and a seaside retreat in Greece to condominiums in Acapulco and houses in Mexico City. The book also includes major commercial, institutional, and educational projects in the United States, Mexico, Qatar, Africa, Brazil and Guatemala.

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