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Red on the Inside

Tekijä: L.T. Vargus, Tim McBain (Tekijä)

Sarjat: Awake in the Dark (3)

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4-3,452,755 (4)-
The Awake in the Dark saga continues.Red on the Inside is book 3 in the epic 5 volume paranormal suspense series. New to the series? Get the first book here: amazon.com/dp/B00OP0TMQYThe events of Bled White (Awake in the Dark #2) leave Grobnagger drained, often struggling to keep from falling asleep. He shuffles through life half awake, half tethered to reality. He still has no idea what is happening to him, but he's not sure he even cares anymore.When those that mean him harm finally begin to assert themselves, however, Grobnagger finds himself and his friends under direct threat of death. Plans are made to cross over and rescue Amity once and for all from her vulnerable position in the other world. But his adversaries are one step ahead and a violent spectacle becomes inevitable. His adventures to this point may have changed him some, but now Grobnagger will never be the same.What readers are saying about Red on the Inside:"'Red on the Inside' is a metaphysical mindfreak that had me pondering my existence for hours after I put the book down." - Liza Robbins"So far the best book of the series in my opinion... I'll be eagerly awaiting the next installment." - Jeff Gilpin"Everything in the story is so clear that I often felt like I was right there in the world they created." - Heather DiAngelisPraise for the Awake in the Dark series:"Fade to Black is the funniest book I've read in... I can't remember how long. Seriously funny. I think I laughed out loud roughly once every three pages. That's a lot of funny packed into one book! And not just an internal chuckle here and there, but an honest to goodness laugh out loud that made my significant other call, 'What?' from the next room repeatedly." - Lisbeth Ames"(FADE TO BLACK) weirdly resonates with me. It is sneaky in a way - it holds the things we fear up to the light - opening the reader up to honesty - to love and hope and the truths of our souls found in the darkest of nights. It's weird and dark and twisted - and real. And I recommend the trip." - Leiah Cooper, SoIReadThisBookToday.com"Buy it, read it, laugh your butt off over it and trust me you'll likely love the heck out of this book." - Horror Chick, agirlsguidetohorror.com"I don't normally give five stars, but "Fade to Black" gets five stars from me for one reason: I haven't been this excited about a book in a long time. As I mentioned earlier, I am eagerly awaiting the second novel in the series, because I have to see what happens. It kind of reminds me of the feeling I got the first time I watched Lost, the TV series. It feels like my eyes have been opened to a universe of possibilities, and I cannot wait to see how McBain and Vargus explore that world." - E. Branden Hart, emptysinkpublishing.com"Grobnagger's narration is hilarious. There are going to be times while reading this that you find yourself laughing even while he's breaking your heart." - eden Hudson, author of HALO BOUND"Chuck Palahniuk (crossed with) the Dean Koontz Odd Thomas series." - Drunkle Dan, The Drunken Beardsmen podcastAwake in the Dark series ebook categories:-Paranormal Suspense series-Psychological Horror-Psychological Thriller-Occult Horror-Metaphysical Fiction… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatKalal, SuziQBird, Garilyn, Jlc323

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The Awake in the Dark saga continues.Red on the Inside is book 3 in the epic 5 volume paranormal suspense series. New to the series? Get the first book here: amazon.com/dp/B00OP0TMQYThe events of Bled White (Awake in the Dark #2) leave Grobnagger drained, often struggling to keep from falling asleep. He shuffles through life half awake, half tethered to reality. He still has no idea what is happening to him, but he's not sure he even cares anymore.When those that mean him harm finally begin to assert themselves, however, Grobnagger finds himself and his friends under direct threat of death. Plans are made to cross over and rescue Amity once and for all from her vulnerable position in the other world. But his adversaries are one step ahead and a violent spectacle becomes inevitable. His adventures to this point may have changed him some, but now Grobnagger will never be the same.What readers are saying about Red on the Inside:"'Red on the Inside' is a metaphysical mindfreak that had me pondering my existence for hours after I put the book down." - Liza Robbins"So far the best book of the series in my opinion... I'll be eagerly awaiting the next installment." - Jeff Gilpin"Everything in the story is so clear that I often felt like I was right there in the world they created." - Heather DiAngelisPraise for the Awake in the Dark series:"Fade to Black is the funniest book I've read in... I can't remember how long. Seriously funny. I think I laughed out loud roughly once every three pages. That's a lot of funny packed into one book! And not just an internal chuckle here and there, but an honest to goodness laugh out loud that made my significant other call, 'What?' from the next room repeatedly." - Lisbeth Ames"(FADE TO BLACK) weirdly resonates with me. It is sneaky in a way - it holds the things we fear up to the light - opening the reader up to honesty - to love and hope and the truths of our souls found in the darkest of nights. It's weird and dark and twisted - and real. And I recommend the trip." - Leiah Cooper, SoIReadThisBookToday.com"Buy it, read it, laugh your butt off over it and trust me you'll likely love the heck out of this book." - Horror Chick, agirlsguidetohorror.com"I don't normally give five stars, but "Fade to Black" gets five stars from me for one reason: I haven't been this excited about a book in a long time. As I mentioned earlier, I am eagerly awaiting the second novel in the series, because I have to see what happens. It kind of reminds me of the feeling I got the first time I watched Lost, the TV series. It feels like my eyes have been opened to a universe of possibilities, and I cannot wait to see how McBain and Vargus explore that world." - E. Branden Hart, emptysinkpublishing.com"Grobnagger's narration is hilarious. There are going to be times while reading this that you find yourself laughing even while he's breaking your heart." - eden Hudson, author of HALO BOUND"Chuck Palahniuk (crossed with) the Dean Koontz Odd Thomas series." - Drunkle Dan, The Drunken Beardsmen podcastAwake in the Dark series ebook categories:-Paranormal Suspense series-Psychological Horror-Psychological Thriller-Occult Horror-Metaphysical Fiction

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