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glipit Bible NLT

Tekijä: Tyndale

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2014 "Christian Retailing's Best" award finalist!God's love is perfect, patient, and personal. God's Word teaches kids that they are special to God and are loved with an everlasting love--and now they can express their faith in a unique way on these one-of-a-kind silicone Bible covers! The glipit Biblewas designed for kids ages 8 to 12, giving them countless possibilities for creating their own designs and customizing their Bible covers. They can spell their name, make a design, form shapes, or just have fun popping the pieces on and off of their Bible covers! Each Bible comes with over 120 removable silicone pieces in 4 different colors--including glow in the dark--that pop right into place on the cover. The soft silicone cover is removable and washable, and the material gives the Bibles a nice grip for little hands to carry.The New Living Translation text is an excellent translation for kids because it's so easy to read and understand. There are 26 pages of extra material in the front of this Bible that will help kids know more about the Bible and God's plan for their lives.… (lisätietoja)
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2014 "Christian Retailing's Best" award finalist!God's love is perfect, patient, and personal. God's Word teaches kids that they are special to God and are loved with an everlasting love--and now they can express their faith in a unique way on these one-of-a-kind silicone Bible covers! The glipit Biblewas designed for kids ages 8 to 12, giving them countless possibilities for creating their own designs and customizing their Bible covers. They can spell their name, make a design, form shapes, or just have fun popping the pieces on and off of their Bible covers! Each Bible comes with over 120 removable silicone pieces in 4 different colors--including glow in the dark--that pop right into place on the cover. The soft silicone cover is removable and washable, and the material gives the Bibles a nice grip for little hands to carry.The New Living Translation text is an excellent translation for kids because it's so easy to read and understand. There are 26 pages of extra material in the front of this Bible that will help kids know more about the Bible and God's plan for their lives.

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