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The House by the Lake

The House by the Lake (2015)

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3381977,706 (4.05)43
"In the summer of 1993, Thomas Harding traveled to Germany with his grandmother to visit a small house by a lake on the outskirts of Berlin. It had been a holiday home for her and her family, but in the 1930s, she had been forced to flee to England as the Nazis swept to power. Nearly twenty years later, the house was government property and soon to be demolished. It was Harding's legacy, one that had been loved, abandoned, fought over -- a house his grandmother had desired until her death. Could it be saved? And should it? As Harding began to make inquiries, he unearthed secrets that had lain hidden for decades about the lives of the five families who had lived there: a wealthy landowner, a prosperous Jewish family, a renowned composer, a widow and her children, and a Stasi informant. All had made the house their home, and all -- bar one -- had been forced out. The house had been the site of domestic bliss and of contentment, but also of terrible grief and tragedy. It had weathered storms, fires and abandonment; witnessed murders, had withstood the trauma of a world war, and the dividing of a nation. As the story of the house began to take shape, Harding realized that there was a chance to save it, but in doing so, he would have to resolve his own family's feelings towards their former homeland -- and a hatred handed down through the generations. -- For readers of Edmund de Waal, Daniel Mendelson, and David Laski" -- Provided by publisher.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:The House by the Lake
Info:William Heinemann Ltd
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto, Toivelista, Parhaillaan lukemassa, Aion lukea, Luettu, ei oma
Arvio (tähdet):


The House by the Lake: One House, Five Families, and a Hundred Years of German History (tekijä: Thomas Harding) (2015)

  1. 10
    Jänis jolla on meripihkanväriset silmät (tekijä: Edmund De Waal) (cbl_tn)
    cbl_tn: Both authors are English grandchildren of European Jews who lost homes and possessions during the Holocaust.
  2. 00
    House of Stone: A Memoir of Home, Family, and a Lost Middle East (tekijä: Anthony Shadid) (cbl_tn)
    cbl_tn: Both books explore the history of a house built by a great-grandparent and located in a "hot spot" for conflict.

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 19) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
In 1927 Thomas Harding’s great-grandfather built a weekend cottage for his family on the shore of a lake in Groß Glienicke, on the western edge of Berlin. The Alexanders were able to enjoy the house for a few years before Hitler’s anti-Jewish policies made them emigrate to Britain. Another family, the Meisels, then acquired the place cheaply as “abandoned Jewish property”, but lost it again when it became part of the Soviet Zone and later the DDR. Two further families lived in the house during the DDR period, when it changed from dacha to permanent residence — but with the peculiarity that the Berlin Wall now ran through the back garden, cutting the house off from the lake.

Harding went to Berlin in 2013 to look for the now-abandoned house his relatives had talked about, and to research its history by talking to residents of Groß Glienicke, an exercise which culminated in a project to turn the house into a protected monument and eventually a museum of local history.

Harding uses a mixture of oral history and documents to chronicle the history of the house and the village from the 1890s, before the local landowner sold off portions of his estate for housing, right through to the campaign to restore the house. This is all quite engaging, particularly because Harding treats all the people who have lived in the house with equal respect and focuses on their experience of living there rather than allowing himself to be tempted into recriminations about strangers living in the house his family built for themselves. We get a lively — albeit somewhat arbitrary — slice of German social history through time, with quite a lot of interesting details.

The book is a little less successful when Harding is trying to fill us in on the bigger picture of German history to give a context to the events: inevitably, he has to condense and simplify, and he often ends up with a story that is lacking in nuance and precision. A lot of relevant information is banished to the (ridiculously long) endnotes, and Penguin make things worse by not allowing him to put references to the notes in the text: you have to guess which passages might have notes attached to them and which don’t.

Not bad on the whole, but I think there are much more interesting books about German history written by actual Germans (OK, Australians too…). ( )
  thorold | Apr 11, 2024 |
Sympathiek voorbeeld van microgeschiedenis: aan de hand van een huisje in de buurt van Berlijn, eigenlijk niet meer dan een houten buitenverblijf aan het Glienicke Meer, wordt de tumultueuze geschiedenis van Duitsland geschetst, van 1890 tot 2014. De auteur is zelf een telg van de joodse familie Alexander die het huisje bouwde, maar in 1936 naar het Verenigd Koninkrijk vluchtte (en hun naam in Harding veranderde). Hij combineert het verslag van de opeenvolgende families die het huisje bewoonden, met zijn eigen pogingen om het gebouw van de sloop te redden en er een plaats van herinnering van te maken . Uiteraard komt de Nazi-periode uitgebreid in beeld, maar ook de Sovjetbezetting, tot en met de val van de Berlijnse Muur (die stond op 20 meter van het huisje), en de periode erna. Voor zo ver ik kan inschatten doet Harding dat op heel evenwichtige wijze, met veel ooggetuigenverslagen en uittreksels uit documenten, allemaal erg vlot geschreven. Een knappe prestatie, en inderdaad, het Alexander Haus is een verhaal van hoop. ( )
1 ääni bookomaniac | Mar 30, 2024 |
This book is a cross between literary journalism and memoir. Harding’s great-grandfather built a summerhouse on a lake in Germany, but when the Nazis began to threaten the existence of his Jewish family, they fled to England. Harding discovered the house still standing and decided to research the history of the house. By following the lives of five families who lived in the house, the reader witnesses a personal viewpoint of German history from the late 19th century through both world wars, East Germany and the wall which went right past the house property—as well as the eventual demolition of that wall. Will Harding be able to save the house through this endeavor? Read the book and find out. ( )
  LuanneCastle | Mar 5, 2022 |
Na primavera de 1993, Thomas Harding foi a Berlim levando sua avó em visita a uma casa à beira de um lago. A avó dizia que ali era seu “lugar da alma”, um santuário que ela fora obrigada a abandonar quando os nazistas tomaram o poder. ... A casa estava abandonada, deteriorada, em vias de ser demolida.
  BolideBooks | Aug 16, 2021 |
Mooi gereconstrueerde geschiedenis van een aantal families die in hetzelfde huis op een landgoed aan een meer, de Gross Glienicker See. Vlakbij Berlijn. Vanaf 1890, toen een meneer Otto Wollank het Rittergut kocht hebben daar mensen gewoond, vlak bij het dorp dat er lag. Het Huis aan het Meer is daar gebouwd, in 1927, voor Alfred Alexander, en zijn vrouw Henny Picard. Zij woonden er tot ze in 1937 naar Engeland vluchtten, ze waren Joods. Daarna hebben de families Meisel er gewoond, Will en Eliza met hun gezin. Zij waren beiden musici, Will had een muziekuitgeverij, componeerde en organiseerde optredens. Hij kocht het huis toen het “geariseerd” was in 1938. Daarna woonden er de families Fuhrmann en Kühne. Nadat de laatste bewoners er zijn vertrokken, overleden, is het vervallen, tot Thomas Harding, een nazaat van de Alexanders, vanuit Engeland het huis gaat opzoeken en er voor zorgt dat het huis als “Denkmal” voor herinnering en verzoening behouden blijft en gerestaureerd. Dit doet hij samen met familieleden en bewoners van het dorp.. 100 jaar Duitse geschiedenis komt voorbij, met warmte en afstand verteld. De Muur heeft pal naast het huis gelopen. Het is ook de alledaagse geschiedenis van leven van gewone mensen die proberen iets van hun leven te maken, ondanks terreur, slechte huwelijken, overheersing. ( )
1 ääni vuurziel | Apr 13, 2020 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 19) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
It is Harding’s great achievement that he has painted a large canvas of history, but done so with glinting individual stories.
Sinun täytyy kirjautua sisään voidaksesi muokata Yhteistä tietoa
Katso lisäohjeita Common Knowledge -sivuilta (englanniksi).
Teoksen kanoninen nimi
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Alkuteoksen nimi
Teoksen muut nimet
Alkuperäinen julkaisuvuosi
Tärkeät paikat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Tärkeät tapahtumat
Kirjaan liittyvät elokuvat
Epigrafi (motto tai mietelause kirjan alussa)
Ensimmäiset sanat
Viimeiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
This is the original memoir, for adults.
Please do not combine with the version for younger readers (ISBN 978-1-5362-1274-7).
Kirjan kehujat
Alkuteoksen kieli
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Kanoninen DDC/MDS
Kanoninen LCC

Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

"In the summer of 1993, Thomas Harding traveled to Germany with his grandmother to visit a small house by a lake on the outskirts of Berlin. It had been a holiday home for her and her family, but in the 1930s, she had been forced to flee to England as the Nazis swept to power. Nearly twenty years later, the house was government property and soon to be demolished. It was Harding's legacy, one that had been loved, abandoned, fought over -- a house his grandmother had desired until her death. Could it be saved? And should it? As Harding began to make inquiries, he unearthed secrets that had lain hidden for decades about the lives of the five families who had lived there: a wealthy landowner, a prosperous Jewish family, a renowned composer, a widow and her children, and a Stasi informant. All had made the house their home, and all -- bar one -- had been forced out. The house had been the site of domestic bliss and of contentment, but also of terrible grief and tragedy. It had weathered storms, fires and abandonment; witnessed murders, had withstood the trauma of a world war, and the dividing of a nation. As the story of the house began to take shape, Harding realized that there was a chance to save it, but in doing so, he would have to resolve his own family's feelings towards their former homeland -- and a hatred handed down through the generations. -- For readers of Edmund de Waal, Daniel Mendelson, and David Laski" -- Provided by publisher.

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