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Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined (The…

Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined (The Twilight Saga, 1.5) (vuoden 2022 painos)

Tekijä: Stephenie Meyer (Tekijä)

Sarjat: Houkutus (1.5)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1,0821519,066 (3.3)3
Fantasy. Romance. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:For fans of the worldwide phenomenon Twilight comes a bold reimagining of Stephenie Meyer's novel, telling the classic love story but in a world where the characters' genders are reversed.
There are two sides to every story . . .
You know Bella and Edward, now get to know Beau and Edythe.
When Beaufort Swan moves to the gloomy town of Forks and meets the mysterious, alluring Edythe Cullen, his life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn. With her porcelain skin, golden eyes, mesmerizing voice, and supernatural gifts, Edythe is both irresistible and enigmatic.
What Beau doesn't realize is the closer he gets to her, the more he is putting himself and those around him at risk. And, it might be too late to turn back . . .
With a foreword and afterword by Stephenie Meyer, this compelling reimagining of the iconic love story is a must-read for Twilight fans everywhere.
The series has been praised as New York Times and USA Today bestsellers, a Time magazine Best Young Adult Book of All Time, an NPR Best Ever Teen Novel, and a New York Times Editor's Choice. Enrapturing millions of readers since its first publication, Twilight has become a modern classic, leaving readers yearning for more.
It's here! #1 bestselling author Stephenie Meyer makes a triumphant return to the world of Twilight with the highly anticipated companion, Midnight Sun: the iconic love story of Bella and Edward told from the vampire's point of view.
"People do not want to just read Meyer's books; they want to climb inside them and live there." â?? Time
"A literary phenomenon." â?? The New York Times… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined (The Twilight Saga, 1.5)
Kirjailijat:Stephenie Meyer (Tekijä)
Info:Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (2022), Edition: New, 480 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined (tekijä: Stephenie Meyer)


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» Katso myös 3 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 16) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
It was hard to wrap my head around this knowing I read the Twilight series. But I did like seeing Charlie again!
( )
  sarah_mcd | Oct 9, 2023 |
Five years later, and my curiosity finally won out. It was an experience. It was interesting and sometimes sad. The newly minted female characters really got jipped. And I'd forgotten it was possible for anything to be so straight. ( )
  a.lu | Jan 4, 2023 |
This was eons better than Twilight. Rivetting read ( )
  PhoebeWasabi | Mar 27, 2022 |
This was eons better than Twilight. Rivetting read ( )
  pakhi289 | Mar 26, 2021 |
When Beaufort Swan moves to the gloomy town of Forks and meets the mysterious, alluring Edythe Cullen, his life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn. With her porcelain skin, golden eyes, mesmerizing voice, and supernatural gifts, Edythe is both irresistible and enigmatic.

What Beau doesn't realize is the closer he gets to her, the more he is putting himself and those around him at risk. And, it might be too late to turn back . . .

With a foreword and afterword by Stephenie Meyer, this compelling reimagining of the iconic love story is a must-read for Twilight fans everywhere.

The series has been praised as New York Times and USA Today bestsellers, a Time magazine Best Young Adult Book of All Time, an NPR Best Ever Teen Novel, and a New York Times Editor's Choice. Enrapturing millions of readers since its first publication, Twilight has become a modern classic, leaving readers yearning for more.
  Gmomaj | Aug 30, 2020 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 16) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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Houkutus (1.5)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Fantasy. Romance. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:For fans of the worldwide phenomenon Twilight comes a bold reimagining of Stephenie Meyer's novel, telling the classic love story but in a world where the characters' genders are reversed.
There are two sides to every story . . .
You know Bella and Edward, now get to know Beau and Edythe.
When Beaufort Swan moves to the gloomy town of Forks and meets the mysterious, alluring Edythe Cullen, his life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn. With her porcelain skin, golden eyes, mesmerizing voice, and supernatural gifts, Edythe is both irresistible and enigmatic.
What Beau doesn't realize is the closer he gets to her, the more he is putting himself and those around him at risk. And, it might be too late to turn back . . .
With a foreword and afterword by Stephenie Meyer, this compelling reimagining of the iconic love story is a must-read for Twilight fans everywhere.
The series has been praised as New York Times and USA Today bestsellers, a Time magazine Best Young Adult Book of All Time, an NPR Best Ever Teen Novel, and a New York Times Editor's Choice. Enrapturing millions of readers since its first publication, Twilight has become a modern classic, leaving readers yearning for more.
It's here! #1 bestselling author Stephenie Meyer makes a triumphant return to the world of Twilight with the highly anticipated companion, Midnight Sun: the iconic love story of Bella and Edward told from the vampire's point of view.
"People do not want to just read Meyer's books; they want to climb inside them and live there." â?? Time
"A literary phenomenon." â?? The New York Times

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Keskiarvo: (3.3)
1 5
2 11
2.5 2
3 18
3.5 2
4 17
5 12

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