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Murder on the Last Frontier (A Charlotte…

Murder on the Last Frontier (A Charlotte Brody Mystery) (vuoden 2015 painos)

Tekijä: Cathy Pegau (Tekijä)

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576462,799 (3.59)3
Fiction. Mystery. Historical Fiction. HTML:

A fiercely independent woman looks into the murder of a working girl in 1919 Alaska in this "excellent" series debut (Mystery Scene).

There's many who feel the Alaska Territory is no place for a woman on her own. But Charlotte Brody, suffragette and journalist, has never let public opinion dictate her life choices. She's come to the frontier town of Cordova, where her brother Michael practices medicine, for the same reason many come to Alaskaâ??to start over.

Cordova is gradually getting civilized, but the town is still rougher than Charlotte imagined. And when a local prostituteâ??one of the working girls her brother has been treatingâ??is found murdered, Charlotte learns firsthand how brutal the frontier can be. Although the town may not consider the death of a prostitute worthy of investigation, Charlotte's feminist beliefs motivate her to seek justice for the woman. And there's something elseâ??the woman was hiding a secret, one that reminds Charlotte of her own painful past.

As Charlotte searches for answers, she soon finds her own life in danger from a cold-blooded killer desperate to keep dark secrets from seeing the light of
… (lisätietoja)

Teoksen nimi:Murder on the Last Frontier (A Charlotte Brody Mystery)
Kirjailijat:Cathy Pegau (Tekijä)
Info:Kensington (2015), 288 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto, Toivelista, Parhaillaan lukemassa, Aion lukea, Luettu, ei oma
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Murder on the Last Frontier (A Charlotte Brody Mystery) (tekijä: Cathy Pegau)


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» Katso myös 3 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 6) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Charlotte Brody, suffragette, and journalist have come to the town Cordova in Alaska to get away from her past. her brother Micahel is a doctor in town and she has plans to write about life at the last frontier, Cordova a place where people come to start over. But she hardly has time to settle in the town before a prostitute is murdered. And, Charlotte isn't one to back down from finding out the truth and find the killer...

I admit that the cover is partly the reason to why I wanted to read this book. That and reading about a suffragette in Alaska. I just wish that the book and not strayed into the romance genre. I mean I do not mind a bit of romance in books, but this was a little too much for my taste and too early. From the first moment, Charlotte met deputy Eddington was it clear where this was going. I would have preferred the book to focus on Charlotte, her past, the murder and her relationship with her brother than flirting with the deputy.

This book made me think of the Murdock Mysteries tv-series and that's not a bad thing. Unfortunately, deputy Eddington isn't anything like Murdock, but if he were then perhaps I would have enjoyed the romance part of the story better. I think one of the reasons I had problems with the romance or the budding romance since a kiss is hardly a relationship is that I felt it was too soon and that it had a too big part of the story. I just failed to find their relationship interesting and that's make reading this book a bit problematic. Because no matter how interesting a book is, is it hard to enjoy it completely when it's dragged down by what I feel is uninteresting flirtation. That made the book feel like more a historical romance than historical mystery.

The story in itself it's not bad, I had my suspicion half-way through the book how it would end, but I'm glad to say that Cathy Pegau managed to surprise me with the ending. The book was a quick read and it felt more like a cozy mystery than a serious historical. But that was OK. It was what a needed at the moment.

And, I came to enjoy the book despite the romance part and that Charlotte had a tendency to be drawn to trouble. I especially liked the setting of the book, the city Cordova, a long way from civilization, but still not a total outback.

Thanks to Kensington Books and NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review! ( )
  MaraBlaise | Jul 23, 2022 |
Charlotte Brody, suffragette, and journalist have come to the town Cordova in Alaska to get away from her past. her brother Micahel is a doctor in town and she has plans to write about life at the last frontier, Cordova a place where people come to start over. But she hardly has time to settle in the town before a prostitute is murdered. And, Charlotte isn't one to back down from finding out the truth and find the killer...

I admit that the cover is partly the reason to why I wanted to read this book. That and reading about a suffragette in Alaska. I just wish that the book and not strayed into the romance genre. I mean I do not mind a bit of romance in books, but this was a little too much for my taste and too early. From the first moment, Charlotte met deputy Eddington was it clear where this was going. I would have preferred the book to focus on Charlotte, her past, the murder and her relationship with her brother than flirting with the deputy.

This book made me think of the Murdock Mysteries tv-series and that's not a bad thing. Unfortunately, deputy Eddington isn't anything like Murdock, but if he were then perhaps I would have enjoyed the romance part of the story better. I think one of the reasons I had problems with the romance or the budding romance since a kiss is hardly a relationship is that I felt it was too soon and that it had a too big part of the story. I just failed to find their relationship interesting and that's make reading this book a bit problematic. Because no matter how interesting a book is, is it hard to enjoy it completely when it's dragged down by what I feel is uninteresting flirtation. That made the book feel like more a historical romance than historical mystery.

The story in itself it's not bad, I had my suspicion half-way through the book how it would end, but I'm glad to say that Cathy Pegau managed to surprise me with the ending. The book was a quick read and it felt more like a cozy mystery than a serious historical. But that was OK. It was what a needed at the moment.

And, I came to enjoy the book despite the romance part and that Charlotte had a tendency to be drawn to trouble. I especially liked the setting of the book, the city Cordova, a long way from civilization, but still not a total outback.

Thanks to Kensington Books and NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review! ( )
  MaraBlaise | Jul 23, 2022 |
This book kept me up late playing the "just one more chapter!" game. I really enjoyed Charlotte as the tough-yet-vulnerable heroine, determined to do the right thing no matter how many rules of polite society she tramples along the way. ;) She gives good banter, which I always appreciate in a character.

One thing that I enjoy about [author: Cathy Pegau] is that she has a real talent for vivid description, something I loved about her sci-fi books. I was really immersed in this setting.

I'm eager to read the next one! ( )
  RobynBachar | Dec 6, 2015 |
Murder on the Last Frontier by Cathy Pegau is the first book in A Charlotte Brody historical mystery series. The story takes place in Cordova, Alaska in 1919. Charlotte Mae Brody is arriving Alaska via the S.S. Snow Queen. She has traveled from New York to get away. Her articles have created controversy (and she does not want it to spill over onto her parents) and to get away from a man. It is a chance for Charlotte to start over. She is a journalist and will write articles on life in Alaska (for a magazine back east). Charlotte’s brother, Michael is a doctor in Cordova. Michael is engaged to Ruth, a pastor’s daughter (appearances are important to their family). The first night that Charlotte stays in Cordova, a young woman is killed. Charlotte finds out that the young woman is Darcy Dugan. Darcy was a lady of the evening and she was pregnant. Charlotte knows that this type of crime is not usually taken seriously, and she wants to make sure that Darcy’s killer is caught (plus she is nosy). But the killer does not like Charlotte asking so many questions and tries to stop her. Can she find and expose the killer before the killer silences Charlotte?

There is also some romance in the air for Charlotte (of course). But is Charlotte interested in romance. With all of Charlotte’s antics (she is quite busy in the book) will Michael be able to keep his fiancé? Murder on the Last Frontier is an engaging story that contains a good mystery (it is not easy to solve which I really liked). I liked the characters (for the most part) and the beautiful setting of Cordova, Alaska. I did find Charlotte a little too aggressive. She can get on your nerves after a while in her direct, to the point approach in asking questions (or rather demanding answers). I did, though, appreciate her modern outlook or views (you will understand if you read the book). I did, though, think there was a little too much romance for a mystery novel. I like having a little love interest in the book that develops over time in a series, but you do not want it to be too much (so that is overshadows the mystery). I give Murder on the Last Frontier 3.75 out of 5 stars. There is room for improvement, and I hope to see it in the next book in the series (which I look forward to reading).

I received a complimentary copy of Murder on the Last Frontier from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  Kris_Anderson | Dec 2, 2015 |
This book takes place in 1919, a time when women were still often treated as property. The struggle for rights was really just beginning to take root, and women were rarely both independent and respected. Charlotte defies the traditions of the typical women of her day. She is outspoken, independent, daring, and, at times, defiant. She is empathetic and open-minded. Yet, beneath her confident veneer she is hiding a damaged spirit. I liked Charlotte a lot. Had I been alive in 1919, I'd have wanted someone like her as a friend.

The author handles setting exceptionally well. From the struggles of being so far removed from civilization, to the interactions between the townspeople, the author captures and conveys the time period in a way that easily puts us there in that budding Alaskan town.

The plot might have been a bit predictable, though I think for those of us who read a lot of mysteries, there are only so many directions a story can take. There are some nice twists here, and enough possibilities that you won't be sure you guessed right until you get to the end.

The strength of the characters kept me engaged from start to finish, which, for me, is the most important aspect of any story. I'm looking forward to the next book in the series.

*I was provided with an ebook copy by the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for my honest review.* ( )
  Darcia | Oct 30, 2015 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 6) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Fiction. Mystery. Historical Fiction. HTML:

A fiercely independent woman looks into the murder of a working girl in 1919 Alaska in this "excellent" series debut (Mystery Scene).

There's many who feel the Alaska Territory is no place for a woman on her own. But Charlotte Brody, suffragette and journalist, has never let public opinion dictate her life choices. She's come to the frontier town of Cordova, where her brother Michael practices medicine, for the same reason many come to Alaskaâ??to start over.

Cordova is gradually getting civilized, but the town is still rougher than Charlotte imagined. And when a local prostituteâ??one of the working girls her brother has been treatingâ??is found murdered, Charlotte learns firsthand how brutal the frontier can be. Although the town may not consider the death of a prostitute worthy of investigation, Charlotte's feminist beliefs motivate her to seek justice for the woman. And there's something elseâ??the woman was hiding a secret, one that reminds Charlotte of her own painful past.

As Charlotte searches for answers, she soon finds her own life in danger from a cold-blooded killer desperate to keep dark secrets from seeing the light of

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