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Charles Williams: The Third Inkling

Tekijä: Grevel Lindop

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
56-455,538 (3.67)1
"This is a full biography of Charles Williams, an extraordinary and controversial figure who was a central member of the Inklings--the group of Oxford writers that included C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. Charles Williams--novelist, poet, theologian, magician and guru--was the strangest, most multi-talented, and most controversial member of the group. A charismatic personality, he held left-wing political views, and believed that the Christian churches had dangerously undervalued sexuality. To redress the balance, he developed a "Romantic Theology," aiming at an approach to God through sexual love. He became the most admired lecturer in wartime Oxford, influencing a generation of young writers before dying suddenly at the height of his powers" --… (lisätietoja)

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With Charles Williams: The Third Inkling, Grevel Lindop gives us the first full biography of the 20th century poet, novelist, literary critic, playwright, biographer, and theologian Charles Williams. Despite the subtitle, which highlights Williams’s participation in the Oxford literary group that included C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien, Lindop’s treatment of Williams does not focus on his place as an Inkling. The portrait he offers is of an ‘important English poet who has been almost forgotten’. Through his career as an editor at Oxford University Press, his London County Council evening lectures, and later his lectures at Oxford University, Williams established a significant network of literary relationships.
lisäsi jburlinson | muokkaaLiterature and Theology, Andrew C. Stout (maksullinen sivusto) (Mar 29, 2017)
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"This is a full biography of Charles Williams, an extraordinary and controversial figure who was a central member of the Inklings--the group of Oxford writers that included C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. Charles Williams--novelist, poet, theologian, magician and guru--was the strangest, most multi-talented, and most controversial member of the group. A charismatic personality, he held left-wing political views, and believed that the Christian churches had dangerously undervalued sexuality. To redress the balance, he developed a "Romantic Theology," aiming at an approach to God through sexual love. He became the most admired lecturer in wartime Oxford, influencing a generation of young writers before dying suddenly at the height of his powers" --

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