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Mark Twain's Notebooks: Journals, Letters,…

Mark Twain's Notebooks: Journals, Letters, Observations, Wit, Wisdom, and Doodles (Notebook Series) (vuoden 2015 painos)

Tekijä: Carlo De Vito (Toimittaja)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
591448,525 (4.75)-
This original and insightful collection combines Mark Twain's journal writings with his rarely seen sketches and doodles to create a fascinating, and often hilarious, record of the thoughts, ideas, and observations of the father of American literature. A national treasure and a cultural and literary icon, Mark Twain was called "the father of American literature" by William Faulkner. His beloved works include The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer, and 26 other books. His inimitable prose seamlessly weaves together humor, insight, vivid details, and memorable characters. Along with these published works, Twain, who was also a journalist, produced approximately 40 to 50 pocket notebooks and wrote countless letters, essays, travelogues, and lectures in his lifetime. Mark Twain's Notebooks is the first collection to gather these writings and combine them with dozens of Twain's rarely seen sketches, doodles, and diagrams, as well as facsimiles of his original journal pages, letters, and essays. The result is page after beautifully designed page of some of the best littleknown writings of Mark Twain. Organized by topics such as science, literature, health, family life, and food, the collection also includes intimate letters that describe the home he built in Hartford, Connecticut; his travels across Europe, the Middle East, and the United States; and his agony over the death of his favorite daughter. The writing and art is selected by book and publishing veteran Carlo De Vito, who provides fascinating commentary and insights into the material throughout the book. … (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Mark Twain's Notebooks: Journals, Letters, Observations, Wit, Wisdom, and Doodles (Notebook Series)
Kirjailijat:Carlo De Vito (Toimittaja)
Info:Black Dog & Leventhal (2015), Edition: Illustrated, 336 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto, Parhaillaan lukemassa
Arvio (tähdet):
Avainsanoja:living room


Mark Twain Signature Notebook (tekijä: Carlo DeVito)


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So, not quite everything hit, but most of it was a riot. Mark Twain is the best humorist America has ever produced, and I am willing to say so loudly and often. This is a slightly different look at Twain, as we peek inside some of his journals, get excerpts from some of his longer works (many of which we have probably read), and also get to read a few of his letters. This work comes from the massive files that made up what he left behind; the entirety of his notebooks is a massive, multi-volume set costing hundreds of dollars. There are probably things in there that are better than some of the things selected for this excerpt, but there are doubtless things that were well left out. The pictures are one of the best things, giving a glimpse into life in the latter half of the 19th century, as well as seeing Twain at various stages of his life. It is a more personal glimpse when you can see photos. I highly recommend this work for anyone who is a Mark Twain fan...and for those who aren't, because when they are done, they might find themselves wondering why. ( )
  Devil_llama | Dec 13, 2015 |
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This original and insightful collection combines Mark Twain's journal writings with his rarely seen sketches and doodles to create a fascinating, and often hilarious, record of the thoughts, ideas, and observations of the father of American literature. A national treasure and a cultural and literary icon, Mark Twain was called "the father of American literature" by William Faulkner. His beloved works include The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer, and 26 other books. His inimitable prose seamlessly weaves together humor, insight, vivid details, and memorable characters. Along with these published works, Twain, who was also a journalist, produced approximately 40 to 50 pocket notebooks and wrote countless letters, essays, travelogues, and lectures in his lifetime. Mark Twain's Notebooks is the first collection to gather these writings and combine them with dozens of Twain's rarely seen sketches, doodles, and diagrams, as well as facsimiles of his original journal pages, letters, and essays. The result is page after beautifully designed page of some of the best littleknown writings of Mark Twain. Organized by topics such as science, literature, health, family life, and food, the collection also includes intimate letters that describe the home he built in Hartford, Connecticut; his travels across Europe, the Middle East, and the United States; and his agony over the death of his favorite daughter. The writing and art is selected by book and publishing veteran Carlo De Vito, who provides fascinating commentary and insights into the material throughout the book. 

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