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What The Cults Believe Tekijä: Irvine…

What The Cults Believe (vuoden 1991 painos)

Tekijä: Irvine Robertson (Tekijä)

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1852149,240 (3)-
You see them at airports and shopping centers. They knock on your doors or enter your house via radio. They are called Moonies, Mormons, Scientists, and Mediators. Who are these people who claim to be people of God? Exactly what do they believe? How can you tell if they are members of cults? And what about the New Age? Although it is not a cult, why do so many thousands of people cling to a movement with no organization, no founder, no absolutes, no statement of beliefs, no good or evil, no God, and no "reality"? Where did the New Age originate? Irvine Robertson has done extensive research into the New Age as well as into cults such as Hare Krishna, the Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon, TM, and more. He explains simply and clearly what each group believes and where each deviates from biblical teaching. Don't be fooled. Know the signs of the cults, and be prepared to offer a positive yet loving offensive to meet their false doctrines. What the Cults Believe will prepare you to answer cultist claims with the truth of God's Word.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:What The Cults Believe
Kirjailijat:Irvine Robertson (Tekijä)
Info:Moody Publishers (1991), Edition: New, 208 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


What The Cults Believe (tekijä: Irvine Robertson)


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näyttää 2/2
I thought it had some good info about the other religions, at least got some insights on them. Helps when we confront each other. ( )
  nirrad | Jul 4, 2011 |
Moonies, Latter-Day Saints, Scientists, and Meditators. Who are these people that claim to be people of God? What do they believe? How can you tell if they are members of cults? What are the signs that can tip you off? Irvine Robertson explains simply and clearly what each group believes and where they deviate from biblical teaching. Don't be fooled by false teachers. Know the signs of the cults and be prepared to offer a positive yet loving offensive to meet their false doctrines.
  BethanyBible | Jan 17, 2010 |
näyttää 2/2
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


You see them at airports and shopping centers. They knock on your doors or enter your house via radio. They are called Moonies, Mormons, Scientists, and Mediators. Who are these people who claim to be people of God? Exactly what do they believe? How can you tell if they are members of cults? And what about the New Age? Although it is not a cult, why do so many thousands of people cling to a movement with no organization, no founder, no absolutes, no statement of beliefs, no good or evil, no God, and no "reality"? Where did the New Age originate? Irvine Robertson has done extensive research into the New Age as well as into cults such as Hare Krishna, the Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon, TM, and more. He explains simply and clearly what each group believes and where each deviates from biblical teaching. Don't be fooled. Know the signs of the cults, and be prepared to offer a positive yet loving offensive to meet their false doctrines. What the Cults Believe will prepare you to answer cultist claims with the truth of God's Word.

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