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Make Your Own Cheese: Self-Sufficient Recipes for Cheddar, Parmesan, Romano, Cream Cheese, Mozzarella, Cottage Cheese, and Feta (The Backyard Renaissance Collection)

Tekijä: Caleb Warnock

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
3-4,153,046 (5)-
If you want cheese that's one-third the cost and better tasting than your best store-purchased Romano or Parmesan, then this book is for you. Caleb Warnock, the celebrated self-sufficiency master, teaches you how to make seven different cheeses that are delicious, inexpensive, fun, and easy. And best of all, it requires no special equipment--no thermometer, no rennet purchased on the Internet, no acetic acid crystals, not even cheesecloth. Caleb's recipe, which he worked for hundreds of hours to create, is available nowhere else. You won't find a self-reliant, cheese-making method anywhere on the Internet! It's simple. Once you have practiced the recipe a couple of times, "the cheese practically makes itself." It costs 30% less than most store-bought cheese and 80% less than Romano and Parmesan! Its fresh taste is unbeatable. It's fun. And it's the only cheese recipe in the world that begins with a shovel!… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatTiffyJo, Cheryl_Nunn, BrendaHalseth

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If you want cheese that's one-third the cost and better tasting than your best store-purchased Romano or Parmesan, then this book is for you. Caleb Warnock, the celebrated self-sufficiency master, teaches you how to make seven different cheeses that are delicious, inexpensive, fun, and easy. And best of all, it requires no special equipment--no thermometer, no rennet purchased on the Internet, no acetic acid crystals, not even cheesecloth. Caleb's recipe, which he worked for hundreds of hours to create, is available nowhere else. You won't find a self-reliant, cheese-making method anywhere on the Internet! It's simple. Once you have practiced the recipe a couple of times, "the cheese practically makes itself." It costs 30% less than most store-bought cheese and 80% less than Romano and Parmesan! Its fresh taste is unbeatable. It's fun. And it's the only cheese recipe in the world that begins with a shovel!

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