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Masterclass: Writing Romantic Fiction Teach Yourself

Tekijä: Barbara Samuel

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7-2,417,647 (5)-
LEARN HOW TO WRITE ROMANTIC FICTION WHICH TAKES THE BREATH AWAY. Do you want to capture the share of the fastest growing market in fiction? Do you have a compelling vision for a passionate love story? Masterclass: Write Romantic Fiction is designed for anyone who wants to write in this genre of popular fiction, whatever their focus. It is the only book available to cover the new and increasingly diverse sub-genres in romance to give insight into how to write really good eroticism, and to show aspiring writers how to gain recognition for their work. Whether contemplating self-publishing or going the traditional route, this is a smart and completely contemporary guide to writing sellable, credible and memorable romance. ABOUT THE SERIES The Teach Yourself Creative Writing series helps aspiring authors tell their story. Covering a range of genres from science fiction and romantic novels, to illustrated children's books and comedy, this series is packed with advice, exercises and tips for unlocking creativity and improving your writing. And because we know how daunting the blank page can be, we set up the Just Write online community at tyjustwrite, for budding authors and successful writers to connect and share.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajattlwright, RLNunezKPL, JanetteA, Merlyn_MacLeod

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LEARN HOW TO WRITE ROMANTIC FICTION WHICH TAKES THE BREATH AWAY. Do you want to capture the share of the fastest growing market in fiction? Do you have a compelling vision for a passionate love story? Masterclass: Write Romantic Fiction is designed for anyone who wants to write in this genre of popular fiction, whatever their focus. It is the only book available to cover the new and increasingly diverse sub-genres in romance to give insight into how to write really good eroticism, and to show aspiring writers how to gain recognition for their work. Whether contemplating self-publishing or going the traditional route, this is a smart and completely contemporary guide to writing sellable, credible and memorable romance. ABOUT THE SERIES The Teach Yourself Creative Writing series helps aspiring authors tell their story. Covering a range of genres from science fiction and romantic novels, to illustrated children's books and comedy, this series is packed with advice, exercises and tips for unlocking creativity and improving your writing. And because we know how daunting the blank page can be, we set up the Just Write online community at tyjustwrite, for budding authors and successful writers to connect and share.

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