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The Big Chili (An Undercover Dish Mystery)…

The Big Chili (An Undercover Dish Mystery) (vuoden 2015 painos)

Tekijä: Julia Buckley (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
805338,945 (4.03)1
Fiction. Mystery. HTML:First in a delicious new mystery series filled with casseroles, confidences, and killers...
Lilah Drakeâ??s Covered Dish business discreetly provides the residents of Pine Haven, Illinois, with delicious, fresh-cooked meals they can claim they cooked themselves. But when one of her clandestine concoctions is used to poison a local woman, Lilah finds herself in a pot-load of troubleâ?¦
After dreaming for years of owning her own catering company, Lilah has made a start into the food world through her Covered Dish business, covertly cooking for her neighbors who donâ??t have the time or skill to do so themselves, and allowing them to claim her culinary creations as their own. While her clientele is strong, their continued happiness depends on no one finding out whoâ??s really behind the apron.
So when someone drops dead at a church Bingo night moments after eating chili that Lilah made for a client, the anonymous chef finds herself getting stirred into a cauldron of secrets, lies, and murderâ??and going toe to toe with a very determined and very attractive detective. To keep her clients coming back and her business under wraps, Lilah will have to chop down the list of suspects fast, because this spicy killer has acquired a taste f
… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:The Big Chili (An Undercover Dish Mystery)
Kirjailijat:Julia Buckley (Tekijä)
Info:Berkley (2015), 304 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto, Toivelista, Parhaillaan lukemassa, Aion lukea, Luettu, ei oma
Arvio (tähdet):


The Big Chili (tekijä: Julia Buckley)


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Nice enjoyable little cozy. Friendly people, nice neighborhood, plausible reason for Lilah to be involved in other's lives. ( )
  bgknighton | Jul 5, 2020 |
Author Julia Buckley has a new spin on cooking cozies: Lilah Drake is a clandestine cook. She makes delicious dishes for people who can’t but who want other to think they can. What a great idea! But Lilah soon finds herself in a quandary. Does she keep her word to her client or reveal the truth to the detective working the murder case? And he happens to be a really nice but serious detective who holds honesty in the highest regard. Lilah is torn, and while she tries to find the higher ground, the killer is trying to get to Lilah. A great beginning in a promising new series, this one will keep you turning pages. ( )
  Maydacat | Oct 17, 2016 |
What an entertaining new mystery in a cute town called Pine Haven. And Lilah Drake definitely owns my new favorite dog sidekick. The chocolate lab is named Mick, and his head nods as though he’s really listening (and I bet he understands it all too!). Lilah works in her parents’ real estate office, but has begun providing food to various townspeople in hopes of eventually starting her own catering business. When the chili she has made for Pet Grandy winds up poisoning another (unlikable) church member, Lilah can’t help but be drawn in to a bit of sleuthing. There were a lot of new characters to get to know, but I really liked Lilah’s family and the new detective in town. ( )
  ethel55 | Oct 14, 2016 |
Need a new 'cozy' mystery writer? Look no further! Buckley iNs your woman and she has done a whopper of a job with The Big Chili. Her characters are realistic, soooo realistic its like you live with the whole cast.

Lilah is a foody, a home chef with dreams of having her own catering business...for now tho she sneak cooks. SNEAK cooks? Yes. If you are hosting a party or some gathering and can't boil water, you call Lilah....she'll sneak you your meal, casserole etc.
Yet folks are dying all around....is it of her 'sneakers' ??? Hmm...
The book ends on a very upbeat note as well as a ohhhhhhh noooo!
" Next to music there is nothing that lifts the spirits and strengthens the soul more than a good bowl of chili."

ps- great recipes ( )
  linda.marsheells | Nov 13, 2015 |
The Big Chili is the first book the Undercover Dish Mystery.

A wonderful new series, too.

Lilah Drake works for her parents in their real estate office, but her true love is cooking. For the residents of Pine Haven, Lilah will discreetly prepare meals and secretly deliver them so that know one needs to know someone else prepared it.

Pet Grandy is very involved with her church St. Bartholomew and the Altar Guild. Whenever the church has a Bingo night, everyone looks forward to Pet's chili, but she is a terrible cook. That's where Lilah comes in, she prepares the chili and delivers it to Pet.

But then things go wrong when Alice Dixon, president of the Altar Guild, announces that food is ready and bingo is about to begin. Then she takes a big bite of the chili and collapses and a short while later, dies of poisoning. Lilah is caught in the proverbial between a rock and a hard place. Should she the detective, Jay Parker, in charge of the investigation and the son of one of her customers and who had caught Lilah in his mother's house, taking money out of her cookie jar or just remain silent. Pet asks her not to say anything as she not a person of interest.

Lilah still feels the need to look into who might have wanted to poison the chili, just in case it would come out the she prepared it. She soon finds out that there are quite people who aren't particularly sad to see she has passed.

This book has a wonderful cast of characters in addition Lilah. There's Terry Randall and his wife Britt, who are renting Lilah a comfortable home that's located on their property. They like to entertain and often invite Lilah. Her parents are also very likable, mom may be a little protective, but overly so. Jay Parker, the detective, may be a romantic interest, but for that to happen, they will both need to be a little more understanding of each other. And my Westie, Duncan, wants me to be and mention Mick, Lilah's Chocolate Lab. Mick doesn't help solve the murder, but is a very good listener and knows just the right times to nod. A very adorable character.

Delicious recipes are also included with the book.

Definitely will be watching for the next book in this delightful new series. ( )
  FredYoder | Oct 7, 2015 |
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Fiction. Mystery. HTML:First in a delicious new mystery series filled with casseroles, confidences, and killers...
Lilah Drakeâ??s Covered Dish business discreetly provides the residents of Pine Haven, Illinois, with delicious, fresh-cooked meals they can claim they cooked themselves. But when one of her clandestine concoctions is used to poison a local woman, Lilah finds herself in a pot-load of troubleâ?¦
After dreaming for years of owning her own catering company, Lilah has made a start into the food world through her Covered Dish business, covertly cooking for her neighbors who donâ??t have the time or skill to do so themselves, and allowing them to claim her culinary creations as their own. While her clientele is strong, their continued happiness depends on no one finding out whoâ??s really behind the apron.
So when someone drops dead at a church Bingo night moments after eating chili that Lilah made for a client, the anonymous chef finds herself getting stirred into a cauldron of secrets, lies, and murderâ??and going toe to toe with a very determined and very attractive detective. To keep her clients coming back and her business under wraps, Lilah will have to chop down the list of suspects fast, because this spicy killer has acquired a taste f

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