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Path to Freedom: My Story of Perseverance

Tekijä: Conrad Taylor

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If you like nonfiction - which reads like a suspenseful novel, enlightens, and inspires - then multiple award-winning PATH to FREEDOM: My Story of Perseverance is for you. Its author, upon graduating from West Point, unwittingly returned to a government which had become a dictatorship - overnight. Its leaders obsessed about him being a spy for the United States - because of West Point. The Smithsonian displays the historically-accurate, coming-of-age memoir in its Anacostia Museum Library. Little about Conrad Taylor's upbringing in a vibrant remote mining town - deep in impenetrable tropical rain forests of Guyana, South America - prepared him for West Point. An extraordinary opportunity for most, attending the highly-regimented United States Military Academy was a life-changer for him. Enduring culture shock, navigating rude awakenings, and surviving the rigorous West Point Experience hardened Taylor for return to a government turned repressive, anti-American, and paranoid - overnight. Paranoid about regime change, leaders of the dictatorship were fearful about the young graduate being a spy for the United States - because of West Point. His was the impossible task of proving that he was not - or else! PATH to FREEDOM: My Story of Perseverance offers a ringside seat to the cultural trauma of emigration, the unique experience that is West Point, the personal side of superpower geopolitics, and the toxicity of ethnic politics. The narrative charts a sometimes-humorous journey of resilience, hope, survival, and love. Its revelations will be nostalgic for some, shocking to many, and enlightening for others. Its subtly-threaded love story will enchant - at the very least. PATH to FREEDOM has a simple proposition. Fly-or-die!… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatAnietzerck

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If you like nonfiction - which reads like a suspenseful novel, enlightens, and inspires - then multiple award-winning PATH to FREEDOM: My Story of Perseverance is for you. Its author, upon graduating from West Point, unwittingly returned to a government which had become a dictatorship - overnight. Its leaders obsessed about him being a spy for the United States - because of West Point. The Smithsonian displays the historically-accurate, coming-of-age memoir in its Anacostia Museum Library. Little about Conrad Taylor's upbringing in a vibrant remote mining town - deep in impenetrable tropical rain forests of Guyana, South America - prepared him for West Point. An extraordinary opportunity for most, attending the highly-regimented United States Military Academy was a life-changer for him. Enduring culture shock, navigating rude awakenings, and surviving the rigorous West Point Experience hardened Taylor for return to a government turned repressive, anti-American, and paranoid - overnight. Paranoid about regime change, leaders of the dictatorship were fearful about the young graduate being a spy for the United States - because of West Point. His was the impossible task of proving that he was not - or else! PATH to FREEDOM: My Story of Perseverance offers a ringside seat to the cultural trauma of emigration, the unique experience that is West Point, the personal side of superpower geopolitics, and the toxicity of ethnic politics. The narrative charts a sometimes-humorous journey of resilience, hope, survival, and love. Its revelations will be nostalgic for some, shocking to many, and enlightening for others. Its subtly-threaded love story will enchant - at the very least. PATH to FREEDOM has a simple proposition. Fly-or-die!

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