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Fly Guy presents : insects Tekijä: Tedd…

Fly Guy presents : insects (vuoden 2015 painos)

Tekijä: Tedd Arnold

Sarjat: Fly Guy (non fiction)

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782428,953 (3.94)1
Fly Guy is buzzing around outside today learning about insects.
Teoksen nimi:Fly Guy presents : insects
Kirjailijat:Tedd Arnold
Info:New York, NY : Scholastic Inc., [2015]
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto, Parhaillaan lukemassa
Arvio (tähdet):


Fly Guy Presents: Insects (tekijä: Tedd Arnold)


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näyttää 4/4
Fly Guy and Buzz are outside to learn about insects.

This was interesting. I liked that the differences between insects, bugs, and others was explained. I liked the photos showing the explanations of the differences. I could see what the differences were which I have never seen before. I liked the photos of the life cycle of an insect (a little gross but still the first time I have seen it.)

I like this series. I am learning so much that I either forgot from school or never learned. ( )
  Sheila1957 | Oct 1, 2020 |
Fly Guy and Buzz are ready for their next field trip! And in FLY GUY PRESENTS: INSECTS they go outside to learn all about other insects like Fly Guy! With straightforward text, humorous asides, and kid-friendly full-bleed photographs throughout, young readers will learn lots of fun facts about all sorts of bugs.
  wichitafriendsschool | May 30, 2017 |
I liked this book for three reasons. First, the genre of the book is children’s non-fiction. There aren’t a lot of great children’s non-fiction books out there for early readers. I know that the book is non-fiction because it is an informative text. Second, the illustrations are a mix of real pictures of insects and illustrations of Fly guy and Buzz boy. These illustrations enhanced the story to show the detail, size, and color of insects that were talked about. For example, the stick and leaf bugs were illustrated to show just how realistic they look compared to sticks and leafs. Last, the captains had descriptive language and enhanced the story. The captains added detail and further explanation and clarification. For example, the captains put names to the bugs and insects in the story. The main message of the story is to inform the reader about not all bugs are insects and not all insects are bugs. Further, different bugs and insects were talked about in detail. ( )
  kmcpha3 | Apr 7, 2015 |
I enjoyed reading this book because it truly taught me a lot about insects! I learned that some insects, such as adult mayflies, have a life span of less than three days! I found a lot of information in this text helpful, but I also found it to be very lengthy. Especially for a “Fly Guy” book, this book was very long and at times, some of the information seemed unnecessary. It was a lot of information to take in at one time. Overall, I enjoyed this book because of the fun and real pictures, along with the true and interesting facts it provided about insect, such as many bees only sting when they feel in danger. The message of this book is to teach readers about the different kinds of insects, their lifespans, what they eat, why they sting, and how they are beneficial for the earth! ( )
  Milina_Moreno | Mar 30, 2015 |
näyttää 4/4
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Fly Guy (non fiction)
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Fly Guy is buzzing around outside today learning about insects.

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Keskiarvo: (3.94)
3 3
3.5 1
4 1
5 3

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