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Carved in Cherry

Tekijä: Elizabeth Kirke

Sarjat: Curse Collectors (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
4-3,512,630 (4.5)-
One thing set Lydia Shaw and her store apart from the other antique shops in town...Lydia's collection was plagued by curses, and it was her duty to break them.Rachel, Angie, and Jo knew nothing about their aunt's secret life. In fact, they didn't even know she owned an antique shop, until they inherited it. Unfortunately for them, Lydia passed down more than just her store. The sisters are the proud new owners of countless deadly curses, buried under centuries of dust. Lydia also left behind her apprentice, Peter. He does everything he can to protect the girls, as they explore their new store, unaware of the dangers it hides. In spite of his efforts, Rachel finds herself obsessed with opening a strange trunk, Angie has vivid dreams, haunted by a man who claims he needs her help, and Jo's imagination starts to run wild. When one of them falls victim to a curse, it's up to Peter and her sisters to save her. But, if Peter can't teach them to wield a magic, that he barely understands himself, she'll be the first one to die.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatosobena, annmwilson09, ShariDragon, BtweenLibShelf

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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


One thing set Lydia Shaw and her store apart from the other antique shops in town...Lydia's collection was plagued by curses, and it was her duty to break them.Rachel, Angie, and Jo knew nothing about their aunt's secret life. In fact, they didn't even know she owned an antique shop, until they inherited it. Unfortunately for them, Lydia passed down more than just her store. The sisters are the proud new owners of countless deadly curses, buried under centuries of dust. Lydia also left behind her apprentice, Peter. He does everything he can to protect the girls, as they explore their new store, unaware of the dangers it hides. In spite of his efforts, Rachel finds herself obsessed with opening a strange trunk, Angie has vivid dreams, haunted by a man who claims he needs her help, and Jo's imagination starts to run wild. When one of them falls victim to a curse, it's up to Peter and her sisters to save her. But, if Peter can't teach them to wield a magic, that he barely understands himself, she'll be the first one to die.

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