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Snow Angel Cove (Haven Point) Tekijä:…

Snow Angel Cove (Haven Point) (vuoden 2014 painos)

Tekijä: RaeAnne Thayne (Tekijä)

Sarjat: Haven Point (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
18410149,750 (3.84)4
Fiction. Romance. HTML:New York Times bestselling author RaeAnne Thayne welcomes you to Haven Point, a small town full of big surprises that are both merry and bright
Nothing short of a miracle can restore Eliza Hayward's Christmas cheer. The job she pinned her dreams on has gone up in smokeâ??literallyâ??and now she's stuck in an unfamiliar, if breathtaking, small town. Precariously close to being destitute, Eliza needs a hero, but she's not expecting one who almost runs her down with his car!
Rescuing Eliza is pure instinct for tech genius Aidan Caine. At first, putting the renovation of his lakeside guest lodge in Eliza's hands assuages his guiltâ??until he sees how quickly he could fall for her. Having focused solely on his business for years, he never knew what his life was missing before Eliza, but now he's willing to risk his heart on a yuletide romance that could lead to forever.
Don't miss Thayne's next release, The Path to Sunshine Cove: three love stories in one with the emotional pull of Debbie Macomber, Barbara Delinsky and Susan Wiggs!… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Snow Angel Cove (Haven Point)
Kirjailijat:RaeAnne Thayne (Tekijä)
Info:Harlequin HQN (2014), 384 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto, Toivelista, Parhaillaan lukemassa, Aion lukea, Luettu, ei oma
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Snow Angel Cove (tekijä: RaeAnne Thayne)


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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 10) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Talented storyteller RaeAnne Thayne begins her new "Haven Point" contemporary romance series with a holiday tale, "Snow Angel Cove". Eliza Hayward hopes for new start for her five-year-old daughter, Maddie, and herself in the little town of Haven Point, Idaho. However, when they arrive, Eliza is devastated to learn that the hotel managership she had accepted, along with an on-premises apartment and a nice salary increase, had gone up in flames when the hotel had burned to the ground. She had cut all ties and left them behind in Boise. She had even invested in a newer SUV to negotiate the mountain terrain. What were they to do now? Their unlikely rescuer turns out to be Aidan Caine, the very man whose vehicle slid on a patch of ice and hit Eliza as she pushed Maddie safely out of the way. Aidan is a rich, powerful tech exec, and he offers Eliza a job helping him to get his new guest lodge underway and acting as hostess to his visiting family for the holidays. Eliza can hardly afford to refuse, and the temporary employment will give her some reprieve from worry. As Eliza and Aidan spend time together and work to make the lodge a success, an attraction and friendship--and something more--grows between them. Each of them has secrets and shadows which may keep them from finding happiness with each other. Will love have a way to clear away the clouds and bring them joy and a lasting relationship? A compelling beginning to a promising new series from author RaeAnne Thayne.

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  gincam | Sep 16, 2019 |
A good book to read around the Christmas season full of heart and moments that make you smile and warm your heart. At the start there are a few places where it is unclear as to which character is talking yet that is easily forgettable as the story goes on. Overall a great book to have won a free copy of from a Goodreads contest this holiday season, with a story the is full of imagery. ( )
  Preston.Kringle | Nov 23, 2018 |
Sweet Holiday Magic
4 stars

I’m a huge fan of romance novels and Christmas - so this kind of book is like perfection all wrapped up in a bow. And that gorgeous, Christmassy cover doesn’t hurt, either!

However, two things that I tend to avoid in romance books are children, and widows or widowers. So at first, I felt that perhaps this wasn’t going to be a book for me after all. But little Maddie stole my child-averse little heart. She was cute and sweet, without being a stereotyped caricature. And her imaginary horse, Bob - loved him, too!

As for the fact that Eliza is a young widow…part of my concern over that was dispelled simply because Eliza is such a rich, warm character - you can’t help but love her. She’s feisty and independent but with that sweet personality that makes her the perfect Christmas heroine. The other part of the widow thing was dispelled as Eliza didn’t hate her ex but you could tell he wasn’t her happily ever after. And while that’s perhaps not real life - it’s definitely the way I prefer it!

Aiden was, in Eliza’s words, a geek God. He was sexy, focussed and a workaholic but he was so in need of the love of a good woman. And the fact that he wears glasses and has sexy, ruffled hair…oh boy!

The romance between the pair was sweet and steady. There was kissing and a few thoughts of sex - but no doing of the deed. Normally I’m always hankering for more sex in books, but this book felt so magical and sweet - I don’t think that sex would have been right, if I’m honest. It was still clear that Eliza and Aiden were perfect for each other and I felt like cheering when they got their happily ever after.

I normally complain that Christmas books are just normal romances transplanted into December without any of the magic and wonder of Christmas; not so this book. There’s snow, there’s baking, there’s a tree and family, roaring fires, hot chocolate and cosy socks. It just oozes Christmas and really gives you the feeling of the season.

From all the chat of the family members arriving at Snow Angel Cove for Christmas, I gather that this book might be part of a much larger series. There wasn’t enough interaction with the other couples to make me want to read the earlier books in the series - but I will look out for future books. Either way, this story still stands nicely alone.

My one complaint is a huge bugbear of mine. Epilogue. If any story was crying out for an epilogue then this was it. I wanted to see Aiden, Eliza and little Maddie (and Bob) in a year’s time. At Christmas. I wanted to see how they were, dammit. Dear authors - please write epilogues!

Having said that, this was still a magically sweet story that snuggles you in Christmas spirit no matter what time of year. It’s a book I very much enjoyed and one I would recommend. 4 stars. ( )
  joreadsromance | Sep 26, 2018 |
This is a lovely Christmas romance ( )
  Emmie217 | Jun 27, 2018 |
I enjoyed this sweet, holiday themed story set in beautiful Haven Point. Both Eliza and Aidan have issues that they would rather keep to themselves, but as the story continues, their trust in one another grows. The Christmas setting was wonderful--the town goes all out for the holiday and the eventual arrival of Aidan's large family adds to the warmth of the story. ( )
  ethel55 | Dec 18, 2015 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 10) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Fiction. Romance. HTML:New York Times bestselling author RaeAnne Thayne welcomes you to Haven Point, a small town full of big surprises that are both merry and bright
Nothing short of a miracle can restore Eliza Hayward's Christmas cheer. The job she pinned her dreams on has gone up in smokeâ??literallyâ??and now she's stuck in an unfamiliar, if breathtaking, small town. Precariously close to being destitute, Eliza needs a hero, but she's not expecting one who almost runs her down with his car!
Rescuing Eliza is pure instinct for tech genius Aidan Caine. At first, putting the renovation of his lakeside guest lodge in Eliza's hands assuages his guiltâ??until he sees how quickly he could fall for her. Having focused solely on his business for years, he never knew what his life was missing before Eliza, but now he's willing to risk his heart on a yuletide romance that could lead to forever.
Don't miss Thayne's next release, The Path to Sunshine Cove: three love stories in one with the emotional pull of Debbie Macomber, Barbara Delinsky and Susan Wiggs!

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