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PO-Fairy Tales, Andersen Tekijä: Hans…

PO-Fairy Tales, Andersen (vuoden 2017 painos)

Tekijä: Hans christian Andersen (Auteur), Noel Daniel (Auteur)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1602172,412 (4.25)-
As treasured today as they will undoubtedly be for generations to come, Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales are cornerstones of our collective consciousness as much as of the Western literary canon. From The Ugly Duckling to The Little Mermaid and The Emperor's New Clothes, this beautifully presented collection shares the eternal magic of these stories with a selection of eight tales, each illustrated with sparkling vintage artwork from the 1890s to the 1980s. True to the international appeal of the stories, the featured artists hail from Scandinavia to Japan and include such greats as Kay Nielsen, Josef Paleček, Tom Seidmann-Freud (niece of Sigmund Freud), and the groundbreaking film animator Lotte Reiniger. The collection also features historic and contemporary silhouettes, a presentation of Andersen's immense legacy, brief historical introductions to each fairy tale, as well as a set of stickers of favorite motifs. A treasure for the whole family, this precious edition inspires and enchants as much as the mystical, magical worlds of Andersen's imagination.The following fairy tales are featured in the book:The Princess and the Pea, The Nightingale, The Little Mermaid, The Emperor's New Clothes, The Steadfast Tin Soldier, The Snow Queen, The Ugly Duckling, The Tinderbox.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:PO-Fairy Tales, Andersen
Kirjailijat:Hans christian Andersen (Auteur)
Muut tekijät:Noel Daniel (Auteur)
Info:Taschen (2017), Edition: Français, 191 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


The Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen {24 stories} (tekijä: Hans Christian Andersen)


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näyttää 2/2
I bought Taschen’s collected volume of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales for the Arthur Rackham illustrations, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it is a well-rounded collection. It showcases a selection of 16 tales (a small amount when we’re considering Andersen’s extensive oeuvre), but it spans the range of his literary abilities to include most of his popular tales (“The Little Mermaid,” etc) and others which are less well-known (“The Nightingale”). Each tale is introduced by the editor, who also provides a broad biography of Andersen to start the collection off, which gives discerning readers a glimpse into the social atmosphere and motivations which drove Andersen to explore some of the genre’s most unique and interesting themes in his various writings. The illustrations and overall design of the volume are what makes it stand out, though, in comparison to other fairy tale anthologies. Collected alongside the tales are a range of illustrations which span from Andersen’s contemporaries to the 1980s and feature artists from all types of backgrounds - proving that these simple fairy tales are more than they seem and appeal to a global audience. A few of the illustrators I am very familiar with (Arthur Rackham and Kay Nielsen, particularly), but it was gratifying to see different artists provide new (to me, at least) illustrations to familiar tales. I think Taschen could have easily doubled the volume of this collection, since Andersen’s catalogue provides an almost endless stream of inspiration and there are plenty of other wonderful artists who could have been tapped for imagery (both historical and contemporary)! ( )
  JaimieRiella | Dec 22, 2022 |
  OakGrove-KFA | Mar 29, 2020 |
näyttää 2/2
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Hans Christian Andersenensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Daniel, NoelToimittajamuu tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
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Katso lisäohjeita Common Knowledge -sivuilta (englanniksi).
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
This collection contains 24 stories (see description). It should not be combined with collections that contain additional stories, fewer stories, or different stories. Thank you.
Kirjan kehujat
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Kanoninen DDC/MDS
Kanoninen LCC

Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


As treasured today as they will undoubtedly be for generations to come, Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales are cornerstones of our collective consciousness as much as of the Western literary canon. From The Ugly Duckling to The Little Mermaid and The Emperor's New Clothes, this beautifully presented collection shares the eternal magic of these stories with a selection of eight tales, each illustrated with sparkling vintage artwork from the 1890s to the 1980s. True to the international appeal of the stories, the featured artists hail from Scandinavia to Japan and include such greats as Kay Nielsen, Josef Paleček, Tom Seidmann-Freud (niece of Sigmund Freud), and the groundbreaking film animator Lotte Reiniger. The collection also features historic and contemporary silhouettes, a presentation of Andersen's immense legacy, brief historical introductions to each fairy tale, as well as a set of stickers of favorite motifs. A treasure for the whole family, this precious edition inspires and enchants as much as the mystical, magical worlds of Andersen's imagination.The following fairy tales are featured in the book:The Princess and the Pea, The Nightingale, The Little Mermaid, The Emperor's New Clothes, The Steadfast Tin Soldier, The Snow Queen, The Ugly Duckling, The Tinderbox.

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Keskiarvo: (4.25)
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4.5 1
5 7

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