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Theater Games for Rehearsal: A…

Theater Games for Rehearsal: A Director's Handbook, Updated Edition (vuoden 2011 painos)

Tekijä: Viola Spolin, Carol Bleackley Sills (Toimittaja), Rob Reiner (Esipuhe)

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821330,215 (4.17)-
Theater Games for Rehearsal: A Director's Handbook, first published in 1985, is a practical application of Viola Spolin's famous method that guides directors and their companies step-by-step through all phases of the rehearsal period. Spolin shows in easy-to-follow detail how her techniques can be used for a variety of theater situations, ranging from selecting plays or material to be performed, casting, and building a harmonious company to warming up actors, creating stage space, and overcoming opening night jitters. The edition reflects Spolin's wished-for updates: five important exercises have been added, and instructions presenting her improvisational approach have been clarified throughout. Her wealth of useful notes remain undiminished. Sidecoaching instructions and game evaluations are boxed and highlighted for on-the-spot reading by the director, in rehearsal. Viola Spolin has been called "the high priestess of improvisational theater," and the method that she created andpresented in her books not only remains the pedagogical standard but has found an even wider audience beyond theater. Featuring a new foreword by renowned film director Rob Reiner, the updated edition is a necessary addition to any theater bookshelf.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Theater Games for Rehearsal: A Director's Handbook, Updated Edition
Kirjailijat:Viola Spolin
Muut tekijät:Carol Bleackley Sills (Toimittaja), Rob Reiner (Esipuhe)
Info:Northwestern University Press (2011), Edition: Updated, Paperback, 117 pages
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Theater Games for Rehearsal: A Director's Handbook (tekijä: Viola Spolin)


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classic book by the mother of improv
  mmckay | May 16, 2006 |
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Theater Games for Rehearsal: A Director's Handbook, first published in 1985, is a practical application of Viola Spolin's famous method that guides directors and their companies step-by-step through all phases of the rehearsal period. Spolin shows in easy-to-follow detail how her techniques can be used for a variety of theater situations, ranging from selecting plays or material to be performed, casting, and building a harmonious company to warming up actors, creating stage space, and overcoming opening night jitters. The edition reflects Spolin's wished-for updates: five important exercises have been added, and instructions presenting her improvisational approach have been clarified throughout. Her wealth of useful notes remain undiminished. Sidecoaching instructions and game evaluations are boxed and highlighted for on-the-spot reading by the director, in rehearsal. Viola Spolin has been called "the high priestess of improvisational theater," and the method that she created andpresented in her books not only remains the pedagogical standard but has found an even wider audience beyond theater. Featuring a new foreword by renowned film director Rob Reiner, the updated edition is a necessary addition to any theater bookshelf.

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