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Crown of the Setting Sun

Tekijä: James A. West

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9-2,003,524 (3)-
Chains that bind the soul are stronger than iron...In the two centuries since the Upheaval and the fall of the God King, the Faceless One's rule has encompassed the world. He is revered, worshiped, merciless, and he stands unopposed....Sixteen-year-old Leitos crushes stone by day, and by night shivers in a cramped cell. A slave's life is brutal and short, but absolute obedience ensures the gifts of peace and bread.All that changes when his grandfather rises against their inhuman slavemasters, forcing upon Leitos a freedom that he never sought.Now, hounded by the Faceless One's demon-born Hunters, Leitos struggles to heed his grandfather's last words: "Seek the Brothers of the Crimson Shield."Those words are his only hope to discover the truth of his people's enslavement, his only guide to find a secret order of heroes ... and they are the words of a madman.Heirs of the Fallen reading order:The God King (book one)Crown of the Setting Sun (book two)Shadow and Steel (book three)Wrath of the Fallen (book four, Fall 2013)Other series by James A. West: Songs of the ScorpionReaper of Sorrows (volume one)Lady of Regret (volume two)Dystopian ThrillerBeasts of the FieldLook for book two in the Fall/Winter 2013… (lisätietoja)

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Chains that bind the soul are stronger than iron...In the two centuries since the Upheaval and the fall of the God King, the Faceless One's rule has encompassed the world. He is revered, worshiped, merciless, and he stands unopposed....Sixteen-year-old Leitos crushes stone by day, and by night shivers in a cramped cell. A slave's life is brutal and short, but absolute obedience ensures the gifts of peace and bread.All that changes when his grandfather rises against their inhuman slavemasters, forcing upon Leitos a freedom that he never sought.Now, hounded by the Faceless One's demon-born Hunters, Leitos struggles to heed his grandfather's last words: "Seek the Brothers of the Crimson Shield."Those words are his only hope to discover the truth of his people's enslavement, his only guide to find a secret order of heroes ... and they are the words of a madman.Heirs of the Fallen reading order:The God King (book one)Crown of the Setting Sun (book two)Shadow and Steel (book three)Wrath of the Fallen (book four, Fall 2013)Other series by James A. West: Songs of the ScorpionReaper of Sorrows (volume one)Lady of Regret (volume two)Dystopian ThrillerBeasts of the FieldLook for book two in the Fall/Winter 2013

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