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Canal Zone Richard Prince YES RASTA 2: The Appeals Court Decision in Cariou v. Prince, et al., Also The Court's Complete Illustrated Appendix

Tekijä: Greg Allen

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One of the most memorable documents in the original court case Cariou v. Prince, et al., besides the deposition of Richard Prince itself, was a distorted, photocopied exhibit prepared by Patrick Cariou and a friend. It diagrammed nearly every instance where Prince incorporated Cariou's YES RASTA photos into his Canal Zone paintings. The Appeals Court apparently agreed, because in the important appeal decision which not only reversed many findings of copyright infringement, but also made an expanded argument for fair use, they made a similar exhibit.This book presents the information and images from the Appeals Court's Cariou v. Prince Appendix, grouped by painting. It also includes all titles, dimensions, medium, page numbers, and other citation information as applicable, for your convenient reference. It is an indispensable companion to Prince's deposition transcript, &c., as previously published.- Greg Allen, greg.org: the making of, Apr 2013142pp, 6x9x0.3 in., softcover, unsigned, unnumbered edition… (lisätietoja)
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One of the most memorable documents in the original court case Cariou v. Prince, et al., besides the deposition of Richard Prince itself, was a distorted, photocopied exhibit prepared by Patrick Cariou and a friend. It diagrammed nearly every instance where Prince incorporated Cariou's YES RASTA photos into his Canal Zone paintings. The Appeals Court apparently agreed, because in the important appeal decision which not only reversed many findings of copyright infringement, but also made an expanded argument for fair use, they made a similar exhibit.This book presents the information and images from the Appeals Court's Cariou v. Prince Appendix, grouped by painting. It also includes all titles, dimensions, medium, page numbers, and other citation information as applicable, for your convenient reference. It is an indispensable companion to Prince's deposition transcript, &c., as previously published.- Greg Allen, greg.org: the making of, Apr 2013142pp, 6x9x0.3 in., softcover, unsigned, unnumbered edition

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