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The Seduction Vow

Tekijä: Bonnie Dee

Sarjat: Promise Series (book 1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
9-2,001,337 (3.17)-
The Seduction Vow, Promise Series book 1After an abruptly ended engagement, Graciela Ramirez is dying of a broken heart AND has to attend her friend's wedding as the only member of her old group who's still a virgin. On a quest to reinvent herself as bolder, braver and sexier, she tries crazy new things and intends to have a one night stand. Catapulted into the dating game once more, Graci never expects that Neal, the hot musician she literally runs into at a bar, might be her second chance at love. He's supposed to be her transition guy, but love doesn't arrive on a schedule and that annoying virginity may not be as easy to lose as she'd hoped.The Promise SeriesFive best friends scattered by time and distance will soon come together to witness the wedding vows of one. But in the meantime, each woman make pledges of her own and finds unexpected new love waiting just around the corner. Promises will be made and sometimes broken but sisterhood endures in this series about five forever-friends and the men who love them.Book 1 - The Seduction VowBook 2 - The Temporary PromiseBook 3 - The Matchmaking PactBook 4 - The New Leaf PledgeBook 5 - The Wedding AffirmationExcerpt:Graci pulled against Mike's grip. She overestimated how lightly he was holding her and staggered when he immediately let go. Her head was spinning from the vodka, and her balance sucked. She careened into a person standing behind her and might have fallen if a hand hadn't reached out tosteady her."Whoa. Look out there. You okay?""Yes. I'm f-fine," she stammered and, oh great, now the tears had arrived like an unwelcome rainstorm. They choked her voice and trickled down her cheeks. She looked up at the guy holding her arm and into the bluest pair of eyes she'd ever seen.His forehead puckered as he looked back and forth between Graci and Mike. "This guy bothering you?" "Hey!" Mike said. "No. It's nothing like that," Graci said. "He didn't do anything. It's me."Those eyes were really blue. Unreal blue, like some actor whose name she couldn't think of right now. For a moment, she was so drunk and confused all she could do was stare into those mesmerizing eyes and wonder if he wore tinted contacts or something."Forget this." Mike's voice came from somewhere behind her, but it was already far away. Distant.The blue-eyed man's frown smoothed, and he smiled. "Sure you're okay? You don't look so good."She sniffed and wiped her damp cheeks. "I'm fine. I just...haven't drunk in a while and I... Oh." Suddenly, the pleasant swirly feeling inside her turned into churning. Her stomach somersaulted and her ears rang. She was going to puke right there in the middle of a crowded club. She clappeda hand over her mouth. The man didn't ask again if she felt all right. He took a firmer hold of her arm and dragged her through the throng toward the restroom.… (lisätietoja)

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The Seduction Vow, Promise Series book 1After an abruptly ended engagement, Graciela Ramirez is dying of a broken heart AND has to attend her friend's wedding as the only member of her old group who's still a virgin. On a quest to reinvent herself as bolder, braver and sexier, she tries crazy new things and intends to have a one night stand. Catapulted into the dating game once more, Graci never expects that Neal, the hot musician she literally runs into at a bar, might be her second chance at love. He's supposed to be her transition guy, but love doesn't arrive on a schedule and that annoying virginity may not be as easy to lose as she'd hoped.The Promise SeriesFive best friends scattered by time and distance will soon come together to witness the wedding vows of one. But in the meantime, each woman make pledges of her own and finds unexpected new love waiting just around the corner. Promises will be made and sometimes broken but sisterhood endures in this series about five forever-friends and the men who love them.Book 1 - The Seduction VowBook 2 - The Temporary PromiseBook 3 - The Matchmaking PactBook 4 - The New Leaf PledgeBook 5 - The Wedding AffirmationExcerpt:Graci pulled against Mike's grip. She overestimated how lightly he was holding her and staggered when he immediately let go. Her head was spinning from the vodka, and her balance sucked. She careened into a person standing behind her and might have fallen if a hand hadn't reached out tosteady her."Whoa. Look out there. You okay?""Yes. I'm f-fine," she stammered and, oh great, now the tears had arrived like an unwelcome rainstorm. They choked her voice and trickled down her cheeks. She looked up at the guy holding her arm and into the bluest pair of eyes she'd ever seen.His forehead puckered as he looked back and forth between Graci and Mike. "This guy bothering you?" "Hey!" Mike said. "No. It's nothing like that," Graci said. "He didn't do anything. It's me."Those eyes were really blue. Unreal blue, like some actor whose name she couldn't think of right now. For a moment, she was so drunk and confused all she could do was stare into those mesmerizing eyes and wonder if he wore tinted contacts or something."Forget this." Mike's voice came from somewhere behind her, but it was already far away. Distant.The blue-eyed man's frown smoothed, and he smiled. "Sure you're okay? You don't look so good."She sniffed and wiped her damp cheeks. "I'm fine. I just...haven't drunk in a while and I... Oh." Suddenly, the pleasant swirly feeling inside her turned into churning. Her stomach somersaulted and her ears rang. She was going to puke right there in the middle of a crowded club. She clappeda hand over her mouth. The man didn't ask again if she felt all right. He took a firmer hold of her arm and dragged her through the throng toward the restroom.

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