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Some Fine Day Tekijä: Kat Ross Kitty Stapp

Some Fine Day

Tekijä: Kat Ross Kitty Stapp (Tekijä)

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488536,881 (3.91)-
A generation ago, continent-sized storms called hypercanes caused the Earth to flood. The survivors were forced to retreat deep underground and build a new society.This is the story that sixteen-year-old Jansin Nordqvist has heard all of her life.Jansin grew up in a civilization far below the Earth's surface. She's spent the last eight years in military intelligence training. So when her parents surprise her with a coveted yet treacherous trip above ground, she's prepared for anything. She's especially thrilled to feel the fresh air, see the sun, and view the wide-open skies and the ocean for herself.But when raiders attack Jansin's camp and take her prisoner, she is forced to question everything she's been taught. What do her captors want? How will she get back underground? And if she ever does, will she want to stay after learning the truth?… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Some Fine Day
Kirjailijat:Kat Ross Kitty Stapp (Tekijä)
Info:Strange Chemistry
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto, Toivelista, Parhaillaan lukemassa, Aion lukea, Luettu, ei oma
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Some Fine Day (tekijä: Kat Ross)


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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
If there were a Kat Ross fan club I’d probably be President of it. Have you seen all my glowing reviews of so many of her books? So many that I’ve given her her own category on my blog Kat Ross. Which is why It’s surprising that I hadn’t read her first book Some Fine Day.

Cause not only is it by Kat, but it’s also a young adult dystopian story which I am absolute garbage 🗑️ for. Give me angsty teens fighting a corrupt dystopian government any day. Hunger Games. ✔️ Uglies. ✔️ Unwind. ✔️ Partials. ✔️Maze Runner. ✔️Ember. ✔️ The Giver. ✔️Yes I’ve read them all, and I could list a dozen more.

Some Fine Day belongs right in that list. A thrilling YA dystopian, with a kickin’ female MC, a untrust worthy government and layer of lies to be uncovered. You might think with those troupes that its *just* another one of those stories.

But it’s so much more.

Kat Ross is a master at world building. It’s one of the major reasons I love her work so much. I can just fall into the worlds she builds. The idea of these huge dangerous storms that drove people underground is believable considering everything going on in our world, and the actual hurricanes that are getting bigger and more destructive.

Jansin is also a good and believable MC. She’s trying to do what will make her family happy. Trying to get the education they want her to have. To live up to their expectations. Even before we get to the action she has misgivings.

One of the thing I really appreciated was how the love story played out. It wasn’t one of the two typical troupe you see in these kind of stories. Neither the first-love forever-love or the falls-for-the-bad-boy-who-has-a-good-heart.

The finale was amazing and it kept me riveted. But I won’t say more for fear of spoilers.

Bottom Line:

If you enjoy YA dystopian reads don’t want as long as I did to read this one. A hidden gem, if there ever was one. ( )
  Rosenectur | Aug 9, 2023 |
In this dystopian world, a deadly heat wave is followed by devastating superstorms called Hypercanes. Humanity is forced to live underground to survive these massive worldwide storms. However, not all of humanity is given the opportunity to evacuate and many were left to die on the surface, which has become a hostile and deadly place to live. Humans on the surface have adapted and learned to survive, living on boats, and trying to stay away from toads—lethal, human-like amphibians—which are just one of the threats facing surface dwellers. Frankly ,no one should have survived. Jansin Nordqvist, our protagonist, who is about to graduate from a Military Academy is on vacation with her parents and is left stranded and captured by one of the surface dwelling clans. Dystopian novels are to be found everywhere these days but I'd have to say that "Some Fine Day" is a real stand-out with a story that will enthrall even the most jaded dystopian reader.

A lot of research has gone into creating this dystopian world, and I applaud Kat Ross for deftly handling this story's plot. I appreciated all the details that went into making this world so believable.
I loved the character development we see in this book and I felt such a strong bond with Jansin. She's strong, brave, resourceful and intelligent. She also proved time and again that she could take on anyone in her way, as we see time and again. Will is another character from the surface that I came to admire and who I would describe as Jansin's love interest, but that would do him a great disservice because he's clearly more than that. Jansin comes to love this clan of people who were initially her enemies but became more of a family.
Unfortunately, we're left with a cliff hanger ending, which I hope is resolved in the next book in the series (when it comes out).
I'd have to conclude by saying that Some Fine Day is a remarkable debut novel. It has everything one could want from a dystopian novel: substantial world building, compelling characters, great pacing, with a good build up and thrilling, nonstop action. I'd certainly recommend that you read and enjoy this book as much as I did.
Jack Murphy ( )
  urph818 | Nov 11, 2017 |
Read all my reviews on http://urlphantomhive.booklikes.com

Jansin has always lived under ground. In fact, all of society has retreated there after super big hurricanes, called Hypercanes, have made life on Earth's surface impossible. Or is it? Just before finishing her long military training her parents take her on a vacation to the surface. She's thrilled to see the sun for the first time. But when the camp gets raided, her belief in the system will get tested.

It started quite promising. Jansin starts as the normal, model citizen in this Dystopian society. This is nothing new. She learns that they've been telling her lies. That's also nothing new and it wouldn't really have mattered, if it was done properly. But Jan changes her opinion quicker than you can say 'that's a cliché'. She's special. So is her new love-interest. By this time I had lost interest.

And, finally I just have to conclude that it didn't bring anything new into the story. And I do think that is important, especially right now when there are so many of these books coming out. It was not a awful read, but it was far from refreshing enough to keep me interested.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review! ( )
  Floratina | May 26, 2016 |
AWESOME BOOK. Seriously one of the top 3 dystopian NA books I've read so far. And since the market is getting flooded with them recently, I've read quite a few.

But despite the many I've read, this one is fresh and new. It's got great settings, a new perspective and a great voice. The characters are beautifully done. It was a joy to read, and impossible to put down. I'll be keeping my eyes open for more from this author.
( )
  katsmiao | Oct 23, 2015 |
AWESOME BOOK. Seriously one of the top 3 dystopian NA books I've read so far. And since the market is getting flooded with them recently, I've read quite a few.

But despite the many I've read, this one is fresh and new. It's got great settings, a new perspective and a great voice. The characters are beautifully done. It was a joy to read, and impossible to put down. I'll be keeping my eyes open for more from this author.
( )
  katsmiao | Oct 23, 2015 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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A generation ago, continent-sized storms called hypercanes caused the Earth to flood. The survivors were forced to retreat deep underground and build a new society.This is the story that sixteen-year-old Jansin Nordqvist has heard all of her life.Jansin grew up in a civilization far below the Earth's surface. She's spent the last eight years in military intelligence training. So when her parents surprise her with a coveted yet treacherous trip above ground, she's prepared for anything. She's especially thrilled to feel the fresh air, see the sun, and view the wide-open skies and the ocean for herself.But when raiders attack Jansin's camp and take her prisoner, she is forced to question everything she's been taught. What do her captors want? How will she get back underground? And if she ever does, will she want to stay after learning the truth?

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