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Fast-Tracking Your Career: Soft Skills for Engineering and IT Professionals

Tekijä: Wushow Chou

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Learn how to think outside the box, motivate others, put together a winning presentation, and more with this unique, must-have guide for engineering and IT professionalsYou already know that communication skills are extremely important for success in today's competitive working environment, but communication alone won't get you where you want to go. Fast-Tracking Your Career: Soft Skills for Engineering and IT Professionals takes you beyond basic communication skills to the finer points of dealing with people, marketing ideas intelligently, developing problem-solving skills, and much more.Filled with 120 specific, contemporary examples of work situations in which soft skills make all the difference, this direct, simple and comprehensive guide shows you how to:. Promote yourself and your ideas without being aggressive. Master the dos and don'ts of successful networking. Manage your time the way a venture capitalist manages money. Win the loyalty of bosses, colleagues, and staff. Delegate intelligently and inspire excellence in others. Know what the box is before you start thinking outside of it. Make major career decisions with confidence. Prepare an elevator pitch that really worksWhether you're an engineer, IT professional, or other technical professional, Fast-Tracking Your Career helps you advance your career by developing business and personal skills that are as sharp as your technical abilities.… (lisätietoja)

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Learn how to think outside the box, motivate others, put together a winning presentation, and more with this unique, must-have guide for engineering and IT professionalsYou already know that communication skills are extremely important for success in today's competitive working environment, but communication alone won't get you where you want to go. Fast-Tracking Your Career: Soft Skills for Engineering and IT Professionals takes you beyond basic communication skills to the finer points of dealing with people, marketing ideas intelligently, developing problem-solving skills, and much more.Filled with 120 specific, contemporary examples of work situations in which soft skills make all the difference, this direct, simple and comprehensive guide shows you how to:. Promote yourself and your ideas without being aggressive. Master the dos and don'ts of successful networking. Manage your time the way a venture capitalist manages money. Win the loyalty of bosses, colleagues, and staff. Delegate intelligently and inspire excellence in others. Know what the box is before you start thinking outside of it. Make major career decisions with confidence. Prepare an elevator pitch that really worksWhether you're an engineer, IT professional, or other technical professional, Fast-Tracking Your Career helps you advance your career by developing business and personal skills that are as sharp as your technical abilities.

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