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The Best Low-Fat, No-Sugar Bread Machine Cookbook Ever

Tekijä: Madge Rosenberg

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
30-797,875 (2)-
The Lean Machine Now you can enjoy all the bread you want without any worry about fat. Over 150 irresistible recipes in this volume transform your bread machine from an efficient home bakery into an invaluable aid to nutrition. Most of these aromatic loaves contain 5 percent or less of fat. on top of that, these fresh-baked doughs contain absolutely no sugar or artificial sweeteners. All that is added are natural fresh and dried fruits, vegetables, and grains forextra flavor and vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Recipes run the gamut from mildly sweet, subtly flavored "Breakfast Breads," like Cranberry Buns, Banana Buttermilk Bread, and Whole Wheat Raisin Bagels, to chewy, firm-slicing "Sandwich Breads," such as Seven-Grain Bread, Lentil Bread, and Italian Sourdough. Creative bakers will love the assortment of stuffed and shaped breads and dumplings and such appetizers as Fresh Tomato Pizza and Chinese Dried Mushroom Dumplings made easily with dough from the bread machine. For people on a low-sodium diet, or smart eaters who just want to cut down on the amount of sodium they ingest, there is an entire chapter on "No-Salt Breads," including many traditional favorites such as Salt-Free Pumpernickel and Salt-Free Onion Rye. You won't believe the no-sugar sweets-Tart Tatin, Chocolate Tea Bread, and Biscotti with Dried Cherries are just a sampling -- that make up the "Dessert Breads" chapter. These taste luxuriously rich but are low in fat. And so that there's no waste, ideas included in "Bread Again" offer tasty low-fat, no-sugar ways to use leftover loaves.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatkaybee, Marliese, ojy, SLRicker, PartsDept, tnlzzy22, dragonwitch

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The Lean Machine Now you can enjoy all the bread you want without any worry about fat. Over 150 irresistible recipes in this volume transform your bread machine from an efficient home bakery into an invaluable aid to nutrition. Most of these aromatic loaves contain 5 percent or less of fat. on top of that, these fresh-baked doughs contain absolutely no sugar or artificial sweeteners. All that is added are natural fresh and dried fruits, vegetables, and grains forextra flavor and vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Recipes run the gamut from mildly sweet, subtly flavored "Breakfast Breads," like Cranberry Buns, Banana Buttermilk Bread, and Whole Wheat Raisin Bagels, to chewy, firm-slicing "Sandwich Breads," such as Seven-Grain Bread, Lentil Bread, and Italian Sourdough. Creative bakers will love the assortment of stuffed and shaped breads and dumplings and such appetizers as Fresh Tomato Pizza and Chinese Dried Mushroom Dumplings made easily with dough from the bread machine. For people on a low-sodium diet, or smart eaters who just want to cut down on the amount of sodium they ingest, there is an entire chapter on "No-Salt Breads," including many traditional favorites such as Salt-Free Pumpernickel and Salt-Free Onion Rye. You won't believe the no-sugar sweets-Tart Tatin, Chocolate Tea Bread, and Biscotti with Dried Cherries are just a sampling -- that make up the "Dessert Breads" chapter. These taste luxuriously rich but are low in fat. And so that there's no waste, ideas included in "Bread Again" offer tasty low-fat, no-sugar ways to use leftover loaves.

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