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Haggai Zechariah and Malachi (Bible self-study guides)

Tekijä: Irving L. Jensen

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
This self-study guide offers a look at Israel after the Babylonian exile and the prophecies that were revealed during that time. Haggai made four appeals to the people, including a call to construct the Temple and to have confidence in the future. Zechariah continued to encourage the people to finish the Temple and relayed visions and other prophecies. And when the people became complacent, Malachi was God's instrument for rebuking them for their neglect of God and then teaching what true worship is. The books in the Jensen Bible Self-Study Guide series are designed to provide you with a broader understanding of God's Word. Offering historical context and background, author information, charts, and other helps, these books will equip you with a comprehensive reference tool you'll return to often. Each study includes an opportunity for analysis, response, and further study in a response-oriented format. The thirty-nine books in this series are suitable for both personal and group use. … (lisätietoja)

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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


This self-study guide offers a look at Israel after the Babylonian exile and the prophecies that were revealed during that time. Haggai made four appeals to the people, including a call to construct the Temple and to have confidence in the future. Zechariah continued to encourage the people to finish the Temple and relayed visions and other prophecies. And when the people became complacent, Malachi was God's instrument for rebuking them for their neglect of God and then teaching what true worship is. The books in the Jensen Bible Self-Study Guide series are designed to provide you with a broader understanding of God's Word. Offering historical context and background, author information, charts, and other helps, these books will equip you with a comprehensive reference tool you'll return to often. Each study includes an opportunity for analysis, response, and further study in a response-oriented format. The thirty-nine books in this series are suitable for both personal and group use. 

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