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Lowcountry Bombshell (A Liz Talbot Mystery)…

Lowcountry Bombshell (A Liz Talbot Mystery) (Volume 2) (vuoden 2013 painos)

Tekijä: Susan M. Boyer (Tekijä)

Sarjat: Liz Talbot Mystery (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
9814280,106 (3.64)-
Liz Talbot thinks she's seen another ghost when she meets Calista McQueen. She's the spitting image of Marilyn Monroe. Born precisely fifty years after the ill-fated star, Calista's life has eerily mirrored the late starlet's--and she fears the looming anniversary of Marilyn's death will also be hers. Before Liz can open a case file, Calista's life coach is executed. Suspicious characters swarm around Calista like mosquitoes on a sultry lowcountry evening: her certifiable mother, a fake aunt, her control-freak psychoanalyst, a private yoga instructor, her peculiar housekeeper, and an obsessed ex-husband. Liz digs in to find a motive for murder, but she's besieged with distractions. Her ex has marriage and babies on his mind. Her too-sexy partner engages in a campaign of repeat seduction. Mamma needs help with Daddy's devotion to bad habits. And a gang of wild hogs is running loose on Stella Maris. With the heat index approaching triple digits, Liz races to uncover a diabolical murder plot in time to save not only Calista's life, but also her own.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Lowcountry Bombshell (A Liz Talbot Mystery) (Volume 2)
Kirjailijat:Susan M. Boyer (Tekijä)
Info:Henery Press (2013), Edition: 1, 266 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto, Toivelista, Parhaillaan lukemassa, Aion lukea, Luettu, ei oma
Arvio (tähdet):


Lowcountry Bombshell (tekijä: Susan M. Boyer)


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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 14) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Liz Talbot, private investigator extraordinaire, has been approached by Marilyn Monroe??..To solve the mystery of who is trying to kill her? Calista McQueen, Marilyn Monroe look alike, is determined someone is out to killer and take her money. So, her first stop when she moves to the lowcountry, is to hire Liz!

Well, Liz has found herself in a pickle once again. But, with her trusty sidekick (best friend’s ghost) and her new boyfriend, she knows she is going to crack the case!

I have been a fan of this series since I read my very first book, Lowcountry Boneyard , back in 2015. This series just takes me away with the cute quips, ghosts, southernisms and fabulous characters.

This novel is narrated by Tiffany Morgan. She could not have fit the bill any better. She is southern and mysterious in all the right places.

Need an adorable murder mystery (is that such a thing 🤦🏻‍♀️😂). This is it! Grab your copy today!

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review. ( )
  fredreeca | Jan 31, 2024 |
It's OK but I'm not getting invested in the characters. Will try another. ( )
  daaft | Aug 13, 2022 |
This is the second book in the Liz Talbot series, and I enjoyed it as much as the first. Liz is a feisty southern lady who lives in the South Carolina lowcountry. She grew up on this island and her family is there. She open a branch office of her PI agency that is located on the mainland. Liz is living in her grandmother's home, and is loving being back home, when a woman comes to her agency asking for her help. Calista is about mid-thirties and she looks exactly like Marilyn Monroe. But that is not where the similarity ends. Birthdates, mother's name, first marriage are all similar to Marilyn. Liz is floored, but when Calista asks her to help keep her safe, Liz takes on the task. Then her handsome partner from the mainland comes to visit, and boy do things heat up from there! There's lots of suspense and action just like Lowcountry Boil. but there's a lot more heat in this book. This is a really fun series, and I love Liz and her friends and family, and the addition of Nate to the story really added something. This is not your usual cozy series. There is a lot more action and tension - hence the reference to V.I. Warshawski. I can't wait to read the next one. ( )
  Romonko | Dec 21, 2019 |
I really enjoyed the second book in the Liz Talbot Mystery series. It had a little of everything that I like, mystery, humour, romance, family relationships and supernatural. I didn't identify it as a cozy as there is some sex, nothing too risque, but it is there along with some language.

Liz is living in her grandmother's house on the island of Stella Maris and is exploring her newly minted relationship with her partner and ex-brother-in-law, Nate. She meets up with a new client only to find out that she is the spitting image of Marilyn Monroe. Calista McQueen wants to hire Liz to keep her alive. She is sure that someone will try to kill her on the anniversary of Marilyn Monroe's death. Liz is worried that Calista must be pulling her leg or have some mental health issues, but as the case unfolds, her concerns are legitimate. Her life has eerily mirrored that of Marilyn and she is convinced that within 10 days her fate will mimic that of Marilyn and she will be dead. She asks Liz to investigate, providing several strange incidents that have led her to believe that she will die. Liz investigates those closest to Calista including her crazy mother, certifiable fake aunt, her lovesick ex-husband, yoga instructor, nosy therapist, and suspicious housekeeper. Who is trying to scare Calista? Is someone going to try and kill her? As the investigation continues, Liz and Nate find themselves a target as well. Who is after them? What lead has caused them to become a target? With the help of the local police and her friendly ghost, they continue to try and protect Calista.

The relationships are wonderful in this book. We see Nate and Liz become more than just partners and dealing with a new romantic relationship causes some issues with the business. Her family are not as prominent in this story, but her brother Blake helps her out and her mom is around often enough to keep the family involved and add some Southern humour. I love Liz's character. She is a little quirky, fun, but not too stuck on herself, a good southern character. She is also smart, stands up for herself, brave and will not give up when she takes something on. Colleen, the ghost of her high school friend, is not in a lot of this book, but when she does appear, she plays a major part. The new relationship with Nate is well done. There are some scenes that involve some sexual endeavours, but they are done tastefully and not described in detail. He is a normal male, who suddenly becomes overprotective of "his woman" as she is now more than just his partner. Overall, this is a great read. A lot happening to keep you reading well past the time you should be in bed or making dinner. I am ready to start on the next one.

( )
  Carlathelibrarian | Feb 5, 2019 |
What a wonderful new series I've found! Great characters are developed in each, thought out, well plotted, mystery. My favorite part of the country to picture in my mind while thinking about having family Sundays dinners myself! Now that I'm familiar with all of Susan's Talbot family and small island roots the books will get better and I'll go thru the remainder too fast. ( )
  mchwest | Feb 13, 2017 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 14) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Liz Talbot thinks she's seen another ghost when she meets Calista McQueen. She's the spitting image of Marilyn Monroe. Born precisely fifty years after the ill-fated star, Calista's life has eerily mirrored the late starlet's--and she fears the looming anniversary of Marilyn's death will also be hers. Before Liz can open a case file, Calista's life coach is executed. Suspicious characters swarm around Calista like mosquitoes on a sultry lowcountry evening: her certifiable mother, a fake aunt, her control-freak psychoanalyst, a private yoga instructor, her peculiar housekeeper, and an obsessed ex-husband. Liz digs in to find a motive for murder, but she's besieged with distractions. Her ex has marriage and babies on his mind. Her too-sexy partner engages in a campaign of repeat seduction. Mamma needs help with Daddy's devotion to bad habits. And a gang of wild hogs is running loose on Stella Maris. With the heat index approaching triple digits, Liz races to uncover a diabolical murder plot in time to save not only Calista's life, but also her own.

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