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Easy Squeezy

Tekijä: Paul D'Ambrosio

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Barton Oliver lives with a terrible secret. He¿s in the witness protection program. People will kill him to find the $100 million his father stole from the mob. And, through a series of misfortunes, Oliver just became the President of the United States. The country¿s future hinges on what could be the last presidential election as two mercenaries ¿ one a disgraced ex-special ops soldier on a quest of personal revenge, the other a battle-scarred Russian seeking her faceless assassins ¿ fight their way across the globe to stop a terrible weapon that will fling the economy back to the Stone Age. They find the unlikeliest of allies ¿ a young U.S. Marshal who can¿t shoot straight. She must choose between protecting the president she loves ¿ and saving the country. ¿Easy Squeezy¿ is the second thriller by Pulitzer finalist and veteran investigative reporter Paul D¿Ambrosio. He draws from economic turmoil and political conflagration to craft a fast-paced, international novel that is not far from today¿s harsh realities. Fans of his debut thriller, Cold Rolled Dead, will see the return of psychologist Sister Maris Stella ¿ complete with cigarettes, her Jersey ¿attitude,¿ and uncanny insight. The Jersey Shore, too, proves a powerful setting for the stark opening and stunning ending of ¿Easy Squeezy.¿… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatyvonne.sevignykaiser, Rena613

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Barton Oliver lives with a terrible secret. He¿s in the witness protection program. People will kill him to find the $100 million his father stole from the mob. And, through a series of misfortunes, Oliver just became the President of the United States. The country¿s future hinges on what could be the last presidential election as two mercenaries ¿ one a disgraced ex-special ops soldier on a quest of personal revenge, the other a battle-scarred Russian seeking her faceless assassins ¿ fight their way across the globe to stop a terrible weapon that will fling the economy back to the Stone Age. They find the unlikeliest of allies ¿ a young U.S. Marshal who can¿t shoot straight. She must choose between protecting the president she loves ¿ and saving the country. ¿Easy Squeezy¿ is the second thriller by Pulitzer finalist and veteran investigative reporter Paul D¿Ambrosio. He draws from economic turmoil and political conflagration to craft a fast-paced, international novel that is not far from today¿s harsh realities. Fans of his debut thriller, Cold Rolled Dead, will see the return of psychologist Sister Maris Stella ¿ complete with cigarettes, her Jersey ¿attitude,¿ and uncanny insight. The Jersey Shore, too, proves a powerful setting for the stark opening and stunning ending of ¿Easy Squeezy.¿

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