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Tulokset Google Booksista

Pikkukuvaa napsauttamalla pääset Google Booksiin.


The Communicator's Handbook: Techniques and Technology

Tekijä: Patricia Calvert

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
"Extensive & jam-packed with nuts & bolts information...a gold mine of information," is how the National Association of Government Communicators describes this communications resource & basic desk reference. The book is expressly written for anyone who must speak effective "media-ese," including communications professionals; activists, club leaders & volunteers; agency; non-profits professionals; university public information officers; & municipal & regional government agencies. Getting your message heard, seen or read is the premise behind this fully illustrated, 260-chapter book organized into six sections: print, visuals, electronic media; electronic hybrids; keystroke communications; & message marketing. Text includes many clear examples, timeless tips, & updates on technology advances. "This is a down to earth guide to a complex subject that every practitioner should have on the bookshelf next to the dictionary & the thesaurus. They can throw the bottle of aspirins in the drawer. They won't need them anymore, now that they have this book," says reviewer Jan V. White, graphics consultant & author of EDITING BY DESIGN.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatJackie_Bruce, kenrey

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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"Extensive & jam-packed with nuts & bolts information...a gold mine of information," is how the National Association of Government Communicators describes this communications resource & basic desk reference. The book is expressly written for anyone who must speak effective "media-ese," including communications professionals; activists, club leaders & volunteers; agency; non-profits professionals; university public information officers; & municipal & regional government agencies. Getting your message heard, seen or read is the premise behind this fully illustrated, 260-chapter book organized into six sections: print, visuals, electronic media; electronic hybrids; keystroke communications; & message marketing. Text includes many clear examples, timeless tips, & updates on technology advances. "This is a down to earth guide to a complex subject that every practitioner should have on the bookshelf next to the dictionary & the thesaurus. They can throw the bottle of aspirins in the drawer. They won't need them anymore, now that they have this book," says reviewer Jan V. White, graphics consultant & author of EDITING BY DESIGN.

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