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Pilgrim Tips & Packing List Camino de…

Pilgrim Tips & Packing List Camino de Santiago: What you need to know beforehand, what you need to take, and what you can leave at home. (vuoden 2013 painos)

Tekijä: S. Yates (Tekijä)

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21-1,065,052 (3)-
You have seen the movie, you have read all the novels, now you want to walk "The Way" yourself - the Camino de Santiago. But you have questions, many questions:What does the daily life of a pilgrim actually look like? How big should your backpack be and do you need xyz? What is the best time to walk the Camino? Is it dangerous to walk alone, especially as a woman? What about the dangerous dogs you have heard so much about? Are there gender-separated showers and toilets in the pilgrim hostels? And when nature calls when you are on the trail, will there be outhouses or not? How can you prevent blisters and other health problems? Will you find enough places to buy food from or restaurants to eat in? And what about if you are vegetarian - will you find adequate food to keep you going? Do you need to speak Spanish to walk the Camino? Do you need to be religious and / or baptized to do The Way? Where does the Camino start and how long does it take to walk "The Whole Way"? And, and, and ... If these are your questions, then this book is for you. Read about what you need to know beforehand, what you need to take, and what you can leave at home - which is the most important bit! Read about how to prepare for the Camino de Santiago in a book written by two experienced pilgrims and hospitaleras that, between them, have walked more than 10,000 km / 6,000 mi on European pilgrimage routes in Spain, France and Italy and have looked after, over the years, ten thousands of pilgrims in over twenty different refugios (pilgrim hostels). Some of the many topics covered in this book are:Introduction into the daily pilgrim life - So that you know what to expect and what not. Movies like "The Way" are not always true to reality ;-)Which way and when? - Choosing the right Camino for you, and yes, there is a choice! And choosing the right time to go, plus many insider tips on how to experience a somewhat quieter Camino, even in the midst of the pilgrim season.A detailed explanation of the few things you need to take, where best to buy them and what to look out for when buying them. And a longer list of things you don't need to take and the reasons why.A lot of practical background information covering pretty much every aspect of the pilgrim life.Plus pilgrim stories out of our real life experience to make it a more entertaining read and a large appendix with many useful addresses and texts. Also included is a free download link to a template that will allow you to create your very own, personalized packing list for your very own Way.If you are still unsure if this is the book you are looking for - just use the "Click to look inside" function here on Amazon to get a good impression of it. In all cases, we want to wish you a ¡Buen Camino! - A Good Way! And yes, you will pick up a few essential Spanish pilgrim terms in this book also ...… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Pilgrim Tips & Packing List Camino de Santiago: What you need to know beforehand, what you need to take, and what you can leave at home.
Kirjailijat:S. Yates (Tekijä)
Info:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2013), Edition: 1St Edition, 138 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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Pilgrim Tips & Packing List Camino de Santiago: What you need to know beforehand, what you need to take, and what you can leave at home. (tekijä: S. Yates)


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You have seen the movie, you have read all the novels, now you want to walk "The Way" yourself - the Camino de Santiago. But you have questions, many questions:What does the daily life of a pilgrim actually look like? How big should your backpack be and do you need xyz? What is the best time to walk the Camino? Is it dangerous to walk alone, especially as a woman? What about the dangerous dogs you have heard so much about? Are there gender-separated showers and toilets in the pilgrim hostels? And when nature calls when you are on the trail, will there be outhouses or not? How can you prevent blisters and other health problems? Will you find enough places to buy food from or restaurants to eat in? And what about if you are vegetarian - will you find adequate food to keep you going? Do you need to speak Spanish to walk the Camino? Do you need to be religious and / or baptized to do The Way? Where does the Camino start and how long does it take to walk "The Whole Way"? And, and, and ... If these are your questions, then this book is for you. Read about what you need to know beforehand, what you need to take, and what you can leave at home - which is the most important bit! Read about how to prepare for the Camino de Santiago in a book written by two experienced pilgrims and hospitaleras that, between them, have walked more than 10,000 km / 6,000 mi on European pilgrimage routes in Spain, France and Italy and have looked after, over the years, ten thousands of pilgrims in over twenty different refugios (pilgrim hostels). Some of the many topics covered in this book are:Introduction into the daily pilgrim life - So that you know what to expect and what not. Movies like "The Way" are not always true to reality ;-)Which way and when? - Choosing the right Camino for you, and yes, there is a choice! And choosing the right time to go, plus many insider tips on how to experience a somewhat quieter Camino, even in the midst of the pilgrim season.A detailed explanation of the few things you need to take, where best to buy them and what to look out for when buying them. And a longer list of things you don't need to take and the reasons why.A lot of practical background information covering pretty much every aspect of the pilgrim life.Plus pilgrim stories out of our real life experience to make it a more entertaining read and a large appendix with many useful addresses and texts. Also included is a free download link to a template that will allow you to create your very own, personalized packing list for your very own Way.If you are still unsure if this is the book you are looking for - just use the "Click to look inside" function here on Amazon to get a good impression of it. In all cases, we want to wish you a ¡Buen Camino! - A Good Way! And yes, you will pick up a few essential Spanish pilgrim terms in this book also ...

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