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Once More Upon A Time (A Talaria Press…

Once More Upon A Time (A Talaria Press Anthology) (vuoden 2013 painos)

Tekijä: H L Reasby, Garth Reasby, Ren Cummins, Quiana Kirkland

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215,296,144 (4)-
The founders of Talaria Press come together for a follow-up to the "Quests & Answers" anthology with this new collection of short stories and novellas inspired by classic fairy tales and fables, and even a few all new contributions to the genre. With referential and exciting tie-ins to their existing titles, such as "It's My Nature" by Garth Reasby or "Reaper's Breath" by Ren Cummins, fans of the books will be thrilled to see new facets to the characters and settings they have grown to love. And with new stories like "To Bee or Not to Bee" by Quiana Kirkland and the sci fi thriller "Aurora" by H. L. Reasby, readers will be welcomed into even more tales from these successful authors."Once More Upon A Time" - a brand new collection of newly envisioned fairy tales for young and old alike!Once More Upon A Time contains the following titles:The Bamboo Princess, by Ren CumminsPrussia, 1735, by H. L. ReasbyIt's My Nature, by Garth ReasbyReaper's Breath, by Ren CumminsTo Bee or Not to Bee, by Quiana KirklandAurora, by H. L. ReasbyThe Rat King, by Ren CumminsThis all-new collection also contains special samples from three of Talaria Press' best selling novels - no Talaria Press fan's collection would be complete without this anthology!… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Once More Upon A Time (A Talaria Press Anthology)
Kirjailijat:H L Reasby
Muut tekijät:Garth Reasby, Ren Cummins, Quiana Kirkland
Info:Talaria Press (2013), Kindle Edition, 258 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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Once More Upon A Time (Talaria Press Anthology) (tekijä: H. L. Reasby)

Viimeisimmät tallentajatarlenadean, HLReasby

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Title: Once More Upon A Time
Authors: Ren Cummins, H. L. Reasby, Garth Reasby & Quiana Kirkland
Publisher: Talaria Press
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 4.5

"Once More Upon A Time" by Ren Cummins, H. L. Reasby, Garth Reasby & Quiana Kirkland

Book Description....

"The founders of Talaria Press come together for a follow-up to the "Quests & Answers" anthology with this new collection of short stories and novellas inspired by classic fairy tales and fables, and even a few all new contributions to the genre.

With referential and exciting tie-ins to their existing titles, such as "It's My Nature" by Garth Reasby or "Reaper's Breath" by Ren Cummins, fans of the books will be thrilled to see new facets to the characters and settings they have grown to love. And with new stories like "To Bee or Not to Bee" by Quiana Kirkland and the sci fi thriller "Aurora" by H. L. Reasby, readers will be welcomed into even more tales from these successful authors.

"Once More Upon A Time" - a brand new collection of newly envisioned fairy tales for young and old alike!

Once More Upon A Time contains the following titles:

The Bamboo Princess, by Ren Cummins
Prussia, 1735, by H. L. Reasby
It's My Nature, by Garth Reasby
Reaper's Breath, by Ren Cummins
To Bee or Not to Bee, by Quiana Kirkland
Aurora, by H. L. Reasby
The Rat King, by Ren Cummins

This all-new collection also contains special samples from three of Talaria Press' best selling novels - no Talaria Press fan's collection would be complete without this anthology!"

What I liked about this novel....

These were a groups of some beautifully arranged anthologies by this group of authors. These authors really worked it going the readers something different in there thinking. I wasn't sure when I started reading just what I would get but as I got into these stories I found these collection were a updated version of short stories and were very interesting to read. My favorite were the updated retellings fairy tale classics and fables that were retold in such an interesting way. I thought all of this was well presented collections that was definitely an enjoyable good read. Would I recommend "Once More Upon A Time?" YES! ( )
  arlenadean | Dec 3, 2014 |
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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Kirkland, Quianapäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Reasby, Garthpäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
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The founders of Talaria Press come together for a follow-up to the "Quests & Answers" anthology with this new collection of short stories and novellas inspired by classic fairy tales and fables, and even a few all new contributions to the genre. With referential and exciting tie-ins to their existing titles, such as "It's My Nature" by Garth Reasby or "Reaper's Breath" by Ren Cummins, fans of the books will be thrilled to see new facets to the characters and settings they have grown to love. And with new stories like "To Bee or Not to Bee" by Quiana Kirkland and the sci fi thriller "Aurora" by H. L. Reasby, readers will be welcomed into even more tales from these successful authors."Once More Upon A Time" - a brand new collection of newly envisioned fairy tales for young and old alike!Once More Upon A Time contains the following titles:The Bamboo Princess, by Ren CumminsPrussia, 1735, by H. L. ReasbyIt's My Nature, by Garth ReasbyReaper's Breath, by Ren CumminsTo Bee or Not to Bee, by Quiana KirklandAurora, by H. L. ReasbyThe Rat King, by Ren CumminsThis all-new collection also contains special samples from three of Talaria Press' best selling novels - no Talaria Press fan's collection would be complete without this anthology!

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H. L. Reasby keskusteli verkossa LibraryThingin jäsenten kanssa Jan 31, 2011 - Feb 6, 2011. Lue keskustelu.

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