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Tekijä: Kimberly Dean

Sarjat: Triple X (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
16-1,324,354 (4.1)-
Desire is a double-edged dance.Lexie Underhill works her tail off in hopes of winning her adoptive father's approval. It's never enough. The stinging proof? He's brought in a reorganization expert. As if the prospect of losing her job in the family business isn't enough, Cameron Rowe's sexy, intimidating presence makes her palms sweat.When Lexie's face appears on a scandalous freeway billboard, her protestations of innocence go unheard. With orders to save the family name-or else-she marches into the bar the billboard was advertising and comes face-to-face with an identical twin sister. Roxie is wild and free, everything Lexie isn't. Before the night is out, she welcomes the chance to explore her own sensuality.As she dances wantonly on the bar, suddenly Cam is there, kissing her as if he has the right. The sizzle between them breaks out in four-alarm desire, but Lexie has recalibrated her life plan. And the equation doesn't factor in Cam-until she's sure where his loyalties lie. With her...or her father's company.Other books in the Triple X series:Maxie (Book 2)Roxie (Book 3)… (lisätietoja)

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Desire is a double-edged dance.Lexie Underhill works her tail off in hopes of winning her adoptive father's approval. It's never enough. The stinging proof? He's brought in a reorganization expert. As if the prospect of losing her job in the family business isn't enough, Cameron Rowe's sexy, intimidating presence makes her palms sweat.When Lexie's face appears on a scandalous freeway billboard, her protestations of innocence go unheard. With orders to save the family name-or else-she marches into the bar the billboard was advertising and comes face-to-face with an identical twin sister. Roxie is wild and free, everything Lexie isn't. Before the night is out, she welcomes the chance to explore her own sensuality.As she dances wantonly on the bar, suddenly Cam is there, kissing her as if he has the right. The sizzle between them breaks out in four-alarm desire, but Lexie has recalibrated her life plan. And the equation doesn't factor in Cam-until she's sure where his loyalties lie. With her...or her father's company.Other books in the Triple X series:Maxie (Book 2)Roxie (Book 3)

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