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Fractured: A Slated novel, Book 2 Tekijä:…

Fractured: A Slated novel, Book 2 (alkuperäinen julkaisuvuosi 2013; vuoden 2014 painos)

Tekijä: Teri Terry (Tekijä)

Sarjat: Slated (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
4311758,879 (3.88)3
Although Kyla has recovered some of her memories, she is not sure how they all fit together, whether she was really a terrorist, or why she is able to remember anything at all from before she was "slated"--but she is determined to find the answers.
Teoksen nimi:Fractured: A Slated novel, Book 2
Kirjailijat:Teri Terry (Tekijä)
Info:Nancy Paulsen Books (2014), Edition: Reprint, 352 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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Fractured (tekijä: Teri Terry) (2013)


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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 16) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Okay, I'm angry. Very angry. About the unnecessary slaughter of my favourite character of thes series.

Deep breaths. I will survive this somehow.

So many emotions.

This book very much felt like a continuation of the first book, whereas the ending gave it a separate point and there was actually a little distinguishing it from the third book.

I read the three books without stopping in between and as such, all my thoughts on the trilogy are basically surmised in my review of the third book. ( )
  whakaora | Mar 5, 2023 |
OH MY GOD, I finished this so fast!! I loved it so much! Can’t wait to read the next book!!! ( )
  Islam_A | Feb 16, 2020 |
Kyla thought Ben was dead, but he isn't. She thought that she had it all figured out, but she doesn't. Something isn't right and she doesn't even know where to begin. Her life is as mysterious as ever, but there is danger lurking behind every corner. Kyla is different, and Fractured - the second novel in the Slated trilogy - by Teri Terry, shows us exactly how different she is. With the Lorders on her trail, the Ant-Government Terrorists (AGT or Free UK) trying to keep her on their side, as well as MIA (Missing in Action) wanting to recruit her, Kyla has to start looking over her shoulder wherever she goes. She doesn't know who to trust, she doesn't know what to do, but worst of all is that she still doesn't know who she truly is. Is she Lucy Conner from Kenswick? Is she Rain from the AGT? Is she Kyla Davis, the Slated?

This book was a bit slower than Slated, but it had a lot of intriguing moments that were important for the next book, Shattered. Of course, I'm getting ahead of myself as usual ... With Ben gone, Kyla is trying to find out what happened to her, to him, to all of the other Slated kids etc. She's one person though, and she's easily manipulated, even though she doesn't seem that way. I mean, Agen Coulson - the Lorder - has her just where he wants her. Her own father (adopted father) is a Lorder, the guy next door is a bit too inquisitive for my liking (even from the start), and he wants Nico. Then there's the AGT with Nico, who's acting like he's a biology teacher to get closer to her. Nothing is as it seems, and it's bloody brilliant!

Yes, Fractured was a bit slower, but it was exciting as hell.

This trilogy is definitely one for dystopian fans to get a hold of. I cannot stress enough how much fun the twists and turns of Kyla/Rain/Lucy story is.

(review originally published on www.tentaclebooks.com) ( )
  MoniqueSnyman | Oct 3, 2019 |
Whilst the first book in this series was exciting, original and well paced....this was SLOW, dull and a long rehash of elements of the first book. It almost felt like a filler for a 3rd book ? ( )
  muwaffaq | Mar 20, 2019 |
Read this review and more on my blog October Tune!

Before I was even finished with Slated I ordered myself a copy of Fractured because I just needed to know the rest of the story. And of course I needed to know if the second book was as good as the first. And oh my god it was! Fractured starts off almost immediately where the first book ended, with Kyla whose Levo has just become useless after beating up someone. In this story, we follow her as she tries to get her old memories back and meets people from her past. But are those people trustworthy, or are they the enemy?

First thing's first, I want to express the joy I felt while reading this book because it happens in England. I mean - and I've said this in my review of Slated as well - 90% of the Dystopia books that I've read happen in America; or 'the country that was one called America', so this story happening in England just made me really happy (like, America's not the only one who has fucked up big time).

We are introduced to some new characters in this book; one of them that was in the previous book as well, but in this book we find out more about him. First of all there was Cam(eron), who I thought was nice at the beginning - but I started to dislike him a bit further into the book. I kind of guessed he was a Lorder spy long before Kyla found out about it, and yeah it's really such a shame because he was so nice. Then there were Nico and Katran, Nico was introduced in Slated already, but under a different name. I liked him at the beginning but like with Cam, I started to dislike him A LOT after a while. I wasn't really sure what to think about Katran, but I can say he was my favourite of the newly introduced characters.

For a while, I was afraid this book would have the start of a love-triangle (and honestly I am still afraid that might happen in the third book), but for now there wasn't really any sign of it, which just made me jump with joy. Nine out of ten times, when I really like a book, they throw in a love-triangle in the second part of the series which just ruins my mood. But ten points to Teri Terry for not doing that this time (and that, in fact, actually improved my mood a lot). Ok, I have to say there were some tiny things that I found a little predictable, but I'll forgive the author for that. Like I knew that Cam wasn't to be trusted already, and I knew that school that Ben was at was a Lorder training thing.

The writing was still as thrilling as in the previous book, and at some points I just couldn't stop reading (which resulted in me going to bad way too late sometimes), but this series is just really one of my favourites of all time. And I deeply regret not having started it sooner. Teri Terry just managed to pull me right into the story and she also managed to never let me go. I can't wait to get my hands on the last book, Shattered, and read how Kyla's story goes on!

My opinion on this book in one gif:

(me after finishing this book) (gif credit) ( )
  october.tune | Nov 15, 2017 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 16) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Slated (2)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Although Kyla has recovered some of her memories, she is not sure how they all fit together, whether she was really a terrorist, or why she is able to remember anything at all from before she was "slated"--but she is determined to find the answers.

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Keskiarvo: (3.88)
1 1
2 4
3 15
3.5 7
4 18
4.5 4
5 19

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