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Anti-Immigration in the United States [2 volumes]: A Historical Encyclopedia

Tekijä: Kathleen R. Arnold

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
A comprehensive treatment of anti-immigration sentiment exploring debate, policies, ideas, and key groups from historical and contemporary perspectives. Anti-Immigration in the United States: A Historical Encyclopedia is one of the first encyclopedias to address American anti-immigration sentiment. Organized alphabetically, the two-volume work covers major historical periods and relevant concepts, as well as discussions of various anti-immigration stances. Leading figures and groups in the anti-immigration movements of the past and present are also explored. Bringing together the work of distinguished scholars from many fields, including legal theorists, political scientists, anthropologists, geographers, and sociologists, the work covers aspects and issues related to anti-immigration sentiment from the establishment of the republic to contemporary times. For each time period, there is a focus on key groups, representing both actors and those acted upon. Political concerns of the time are also discussed to broaden understanding of motivation. In addition, entries explore the role of race, gender, and class in determining immigration policy and informing public sentiment. More than 150 A_Z entries on the key features of anti-immigration sentiment from political, economic, ethnic, and historical perspectives Photographs A separate volume of more than 50 primary documents recording the history of anti-immigration movements and legislation, including famous letters from Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Lincoln A selected bibliography drawing from the fields of anthropology, economics, ethnic studies, geography, political science, sociology, and urban planning… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajattsudol, COMLibrary, ASIJ, BentleyUnivLibrary

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A comprehensive treatment of anti-immigration sentiment exploring debate, policies, ideas, and key groups from historical and contemporary perspectives. Anti-Immigration in the United States: A Historical Encyclopedia is one of the first encyclopedias to address American anti-immigration sentiment. Organized alphabetically, the two-volume work covers major historical periods and relevant concepts, as well as discussions of various anti-immigration stances. Leading figures and groups in the anti-immigration movements of the past and present are also explored. Bringing together the work of distinguished scholars from many fields, including legal theorists, political scientists, anthropologists, geographers, and sociologists, the work covers aspects and issues related to anti-immigration sentiment from the establishment of the republic to contemporary times. For each time period, there is a focus on key groups, representing both actors and those acted upon. Political concerns of the time are also discussed to broaden understanding of motivation. In addition, entries explore the role of race, gender, and class in determining immigration policy and informing public sentiment. More than 150 A_Z entries on the key features of anti-immigration sentiment from political, economic, ethnic, and historical perspectives Photographs A separate volume of more than 50 primary documents recording the history of anti-immigration movements and legislation, including famous letters from Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Lincoln A selected bibliography drawing from the fields of anthropology, economics, ethnic studies, geography, political science, sociology, and urban planning

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