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The River Witch Tekijä: Kimberly Brock

The River Witch (alkuperäinen julkaisuvuosi 2012; vuoden 2012 painos)

Tekijä: Kimberly Brock (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
838327,418 (3.64)2
After her career as a ballet dancer ends with a car wreck and a miscarriage, Roslyn Byrne recovers her passion for life on Manny's Island, Georgia while renting a house from the eccentric Trezevant family.
Teoksen nimi:The River Witch
Kirjailijat:Kimberly Brock (Tekijä)
Info:Bell Bridge Books (2012), 246 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto, Toivelista, Parhaillaan lukemassa, Aion lukea, Luettu, ei oma
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The River Witch (tekijä: Kimberly Brock) (2012)


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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
I loved the relationship between Damascus and Rosalyn. Good story. ( )
  JRobinW | Jan 20, 2023 |
So this book really started out strong in the hopes of some witchery or magic on the shoreline of a river swamp and although the story kept going , and I finished it, it just left me a little flat at the end… an unexpected death and a journey away from the river took the story nowhere . ( )
  mchwest | Nov 11, 2013 |
Absolutely wonderful read, reminds me of Alice Hoffman. The author really submerses you in the scenery and I enjoy when characters are flawed but still have good intentions, even if you cannot fathom the intention right off. The only bothersome part for me (spoiler) is that as a person a tad obsessed about names and naming things... I felt cheated not getting the name at the end. Even still, I read this in about a day and half and that's a good book. I can't wait to read more from her! ( )
  mossagate | Jun 6, 2013 |

This and other reviews can be found on Reading Between Classes

Cover Impressions: The cover is pretty but were I to see it on a bookshelf I am not sure that it would stand out enough to entice me to buy it.

The Gist: Former ballerina Rosyln Byrne lost everything that defined her in one fell swoop. She has retreated to a remote Georgia island in the hopes that solitude and serenity will allow her to patch up her broken life. Instead she finds herself in the middle of another shattered family and in the path of a little girl desperately seeking something magical.

Review: Every summer I tend to feel the urge to dive into the world of magical realism. The River Witch falls into that category, but also offers up something unexpected. The setting of this novel makes for a fantastic summer read. It left me longing for a big old house with lots of history and a river with more than a little danger. As the days start to stretch, the thought of retreated to an island and escaping the stress of everyday life is more than a little tempting.

This is not a novel with a fast paced plot and the story clearly falls on the character's very capable shoulders. Rosyln has an impressive voice and her pain is almost palpable as she reflects on losing her child and the life she left behind in her mountain home. The music from her homeland weaves in and out of the narrative, binding it beautifully together. Ten year old Damascus is outspoken, precocious and utterly charming. She is especially broken by the loss of her mother and her father's inability to fulfill his role as caregiver. While searching for answers inside a pumpkin seed, she and Rosyln slowly allow themselves to open up to the idea of being cared for.

This is not a novel for the thrill seeking or action obsessed. The plot unwinds slowly, like a lazy afternoon, and wraps itself around your heart. The writing is beautiful and gentle, occasionally erupting with witty moments (usually through Damascus). Brock weaves a story of regret and eschews the easy, romantic route that sometimes defines this genre. There are no storybook endings here, but what the reader does get is a much more realistic portrayal of human nature and the strength of history and family.

A stunning debut novel and a wonderful addition to anyone's summer reading. ( )
  ZabetReading | Mar 31, 2013 |
THE RIVER WITCH is a poignant and haunting story about loss and healing. I was intrigued by the setting of this book because my father spent part of his childhood on the sea islands of Georgia. The author did a beautiful job of bringing the mystical setting of Manny's Island to life.

Roslyn and Damascus were realistic, complex characters. Neither of their stories was easy to read, and my heart broke for both of them. At times I was confused about Roslyn's back story, in particular why she and her mom had a strained relationship with the rest of their family.

I enjoyed how the history and myths of the island were woven into the book. I almost believed that Roslyn did have power to call the alligators out of the river. THE RIVER WITCH is an impressive debut from Kimberly Brock. I'd recommend this book to fans of contemporary Southern fiction with strong female characters. Definitely an emotional, memorable read.

Review copy courtesy of NetGalley. ( )
  bookofsecrets | Oct 5, 2012 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Though I do not believe a plant will spring up where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed. Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders. -Henry David Thoreau
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The realtor Mama recommended was a friend from her days on the Appalachian craft fair circuit.
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


After her career as a ballet dancer ends with a car wreck and a miscarriage, Roslyn Byrne recovers her passion for life on Manny's Island, Georgia while renting a house from the eccentric Trezevant family.

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