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Room One: A Mystery or Two Tekijä: Andrew…

Room One: A Mystery or Two (vuoden 2007 painos)

Tekijä: Andrew Clements (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1,3091414,785 (3.73)1
Ted Hammond, the only sixth grader in his small Nebraska town's one-room schoolhouse, searches for clues to the disappearance of a homeless family. Ted Hammond loves a good mystery, and in the spring of his fifth-grade year, he's working on a big one. How can his school in the little town of Plattsford stay open next year if there are going to be only five students? Out here on the Great Plains in western Nebraska, everyone understands that if you lose the school, you lose the town. But the mystery that has Ted's full attention at the moment is about that face, the face he sees in the upper window of the Andersons' house as he rides past on his paper route. The Andersons moved away two years ago, and their old farmhouse is empty, boarded up tight. At least it's supposed to be. A shrinking school in a dying town. A face in the window of an empty house. At first these facts don't seem to be related. But Ted Hammond learns that in a very small town, there's no such thing as an isolated event. And the solution of one mystery is often the beginning of another.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Room One: A Mystery or Two
Kirjailijat:Andrew Clements (Tekijä)
Info:Scholastic (2007)
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto, Parhaillaan lukemassa
Arvio (tähdet):


Room One: A Mystery or Two (tekijä: Andrew Clements)


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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 14) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Ted Hammond loves a good mystery, and in the spring of his fifth-grade year, he's working on a big one. How can his school in the little town of Plattsford stay open next year if there are going to be only five students? Out here on the Great Plains in western Nebraska, everyone understands that if you lose the school, you lose the town.

But the mystery that has Ted's full attention at the moment is about that face, the face he sees in the upper window of the Andersons' house as he rides past on his paper route. The Andersons moved away two years ago, and their old farmhouse is empty, boarded up tight. At least it's supposed to be.

A shrinking school in a dying town. A face in the window of an empty house. At first these facts don't seem to be related. But Ted Hammond learns that in a very small town, there's no such thing as an isolated event. And the solution of one mystery is often the beginning of another.
  PlumfieldCH | Sep 22, 2023 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
Original premise and moving. Easy and lively enough for mid-elementary yet valuable for any parent or teacher. ( )
  Cheryl_in_CC_NV | Jun 6, 2016 |
Not as good as Frindle, but a fun little mystery none-the-less. It's biggest down side is the slow start. But the pace picks up, and my two youngest didn't want me to stop reading when we got closer to the end. So—Clements was successful.
  memlhd | Jan 23, 2016 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 14) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Ted Hammond, the only sixth grader in his small Nebraska town's one-room schoolhouse, searches for clues to the disappearance of a homeless family. Ted Hammond loves a good mystery, and in the spring of his fifth-grade year, he's working on a big one. How can his school in the little town of Plattsford stay open next year if there are going to be only five students? Out here on the Great Plains in western Nebraska, everyone understands that if you lose the school, you lose the town. But the mystery that has Ted's full attention at the moment is about that face, the face he sees in the upper window of the Andersons' house as he rides past on his paper route. The Andersons moved away two years ago, and their old farmhouse is empty, boarded up tight. At least it's supposed to be. A shrinking school in a dying town. A face in the window of an empty house. At first these facts don't seem to be related. But Ted Hammond learns that in a very small town, there's no such thing as an isolated event. And the solution of one mystery is often the beginning of another.

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Keskiarvo: (3.73)
2 8
3 23
3.5 10
4 31
4.5 1
5 19

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