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Paris in Love Tekijä: Eloisa James

Paris in Love (vuoden 2012 painos)

Tekijä: Eloisa James

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
6446136,762 (3.77)33
Biography & Autobiography. Family & Relationships. Travel. Nonfiction. HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the author of Wilde in Love, a joyful chronicle of a year in one of the most beautiful cities in the world: Paris.
“What a beautiful and delightful tasting menu of a book: the kids, the plump little dog, the Italian husband. Reading this memoir was like wandering through a Parisian patisserie in a dream. I absolutely loved it.”—Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love
When bestselling romance author Eloisa James took a sabbatical from her day job as a Shakespeare professor, she also took a leap that many people dream about: She sold her house and moved her family to Paris.
With no classes to teach, no committee meetings to attend, no lawn to mow or cars to park, Eloisa revels in the ordinary pleasures of life—discovering corner museums that tourists overlook, chronicling Frenchwomen’s sartorial triumphs, walking from one end of Paris to another. She copes with her Italian husband’s notions of quality time; her two hilarious children, ages eleven and fifteen, as they navigate schools—not to mention puberty—in a foreign language; and her mother-in-law Marina’s raised eyebrow in the kitchen (even as Marina overfeeds Milo, the family dog).
Paris in Love invites the reader into the life of a New York Times bestselling author and her spirited, enchanting family, framed by la ville de l’amour.
Praise for Paris in Love
“Exhilarating and enchanting . . . brims with a casual wisdom about life.”Chicago Tribune
“In this delightful charm-bracelet of a memoir, [Eloisa James shares] her adventures as an American suddenly immersed in all things French—food, clothes, joie de vivre.”People
“Enchanting . . . gives the reader a sense of being immersed along with James in Paris for a year . . . you see the rain, taste the food, observe the people.”USA Today
“This delectable confection, which includes recipes, is more than a visit to a glorious city: it is also a tour of a family, a marriage, and a love that has no borders. Très magnifique!Library Journal (starred review)
“A charming, funny and poignant memoir . . . steeped in Paris and suffused with love.”Star Tribune
“Charming . . . a romance—for a city, a life, a family, and love itself.”The Huffington Post.
… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Paris in Love
Kirjailijat:Eloisa James
Info:Nicholas Brealey Publishing (2012), Paperback
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


Paris in Love (tekijä: Eloisa James)


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» Katso myös 33 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 63) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Another memoir of time spent in France; I really need to go there! I liked the layout of mostly small vignettes, many amusing. A book to enjoy nibbling on. ( )
  Abcdarian | May 18, 2024 |
Started out funny, then got duller as it went along. All I could think of is that her kids were not disciplined enough to make it in a real school. ( )
  kwskultety | Jul 4, 2023 |
This was fine, but I probably would not have finished it if I hadn't read James' fiction and been to Paris. There was not much in the actual book itself to keep my interest. I enjoyed mentions of places I am familiar with and the kids, especially Anna, were fun. Beyond that, it was pretty superficial. I feel like it would have worked better as a scrapbook of sorts, with pictures, photos, and maps, etc. to add texture if the author wanted to keep the writing light. A photo of Milo would have been awesome! Also, if a reader has not been to France or read anything about it, this makes it seem like there are absolutely no problems at all there. Everyone is perfectly content with everything. It got a bit old after a while. ( )
  purpleiris | Sep 23, 2022 |
I really enjoyed this book -- however, if you are going for the audio book, know that Eloisa James is the reader as well. She talks really, really fast. Many of the observations in the book are short. The effect is kind of like an autobiography by tweet. Nonetheless, I liked her stories. I liked her observations and her family and her adventure abroad. It's a good book -- perhaps even a better book in print format. ( )
  jennybeast | Apr 14, 2022 |
Probably really 3.5, but James has a lovely sense of humor so she gets a nudge up. To address the other reviews- yes, the snippets are a bit, well, snippety. Some are very poetic and you wish they were longer. Some are funny and you wish they were longer. The breaks in between (there is no organization here I could discern, except chronological- the progress of her year in Paris) are indeed longer and you can see what a very good writer she is, in case you wondered. You come away wanting to catch the first plane to Paris and wanting to meet James and her delightful, but crazy, family. ( )
  PattyLee | Dec 14, 2021 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 63) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Biography & Autobiography. Family & Relationships. Travel. Nonfiction. HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the author of Wilde in Love, a joyful chronicle of a year in one of the most beautiful cities in the world: Paris.
“What a beautiful and delightful tasting menu of a book: the kids, the plump little dog, the Italian husband. Reading this memoir was like wandering through a Parisian patisserie in a dream. I absolutely loved it.”—Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love
When bestselling romance author Eloisa James took a sabbatical from her day job as a Shakespeare professor, she also took a leap that many people dream about: She sold her house and moved her family to Paris.
With no classes to teach, no committee meetings to attend, no lawn to mow or cars to park, Eloisa revels in the ordinary pleasures of life—discovering corner museums that tourists overlook, chronicling Frenchwomen’s sartorial triumphs, walking from one end of Paris to another. She copes with her Italian husband’s notions of quality time; her two hilarious children, ages eleven and fifteen, as they navigate schools—not to mention puberty—in a foreign language; and her mother-in-law Marina’s raised eyebrow in the kitchen (even as Marina overfeeds Milo, the family dog).
Paris in Love invites the reader into the life of a New York Times bestselling author and her spirited, enchanting family, framed by la ville de l’amour.
Praise for Paris in Love
“Exhilarating and enchanting . . . brims with a casual wisdom about life.”Chicago Tribune
“In this delightful charm-bracelet of a memoir, [Eloisa James shares] her adventures as an American suddenly immersed in all things French—food, clothes, joie de vivre.”People
“Enchanting . . . gives the reader a sense of being immersed along with James in Paris for a year . . . you see the rain, taste the food, observe the people.”USA Today
“This delectable confection, which includes recipes, is more than a visit to a glorious city: it is also a tour of a family, a marriage, and a love that has no borders. Très magnifique!Library Journal (starred review)
“A charming, funny and poignant memoir . . . steeped in Paris and suffused with love.”Star Tribune
“Charming . . . a romance—for a city, a life, a family, and love itself.”The Huffington Post.

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3 42
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4 70
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5 33

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