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The agrarian history of England and Wales. Vol.5, Part 2, 1640-1750. Agrarian change

Tekijä: Joan Thirsk

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
This is a detailed study of English and Welsh agriculture and agricultural change in the period 1640 to 1750. It is the work of nineteen specialists, who have used original archives in local record offices throughout the kingdom, as well as central records. The volume examines the special economic and social circumstances of these years, and the changing price relationships of agricultural produce. It traces consequent changes in farm profits; the diversification of agriculture; the development of more regional specialisation and of horticulture; the emergence of agricultural policy that was both broader and yet looser in its objectives than before; the responses of landowners as estate managers and farmers; the elaboration of marketing facilities and of channels of communication for advertising new ways in farming. A richly illustrated account is given of building developments on farms, and in villages generally. An appendix contains annual and decennial price and wage indexes.… (lisätietoja)

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This is a detailed study of English and Welsh agriculture and agricultural change in the period 1640 to 1750. It is the work of nineteen specialists, who have used original archives in local record offices throughout the kingdom, as well as central records. The volume examines the special economic and social circumstances of these years, and the changing price relationships of agricultural produce. It traces consequent changes in farm profits; the diversification of agriculture; the development of more regional specialisation and of horticulture; the emergence of agricultural policy that was both broader and yet looser in its objectives than before; the responses of landowners as estate managers and farmers; the elaboration of marketing facilities and of channels of communication for advertising new ways in farming. A richly illustrated account is given of building developments on farms, and in villages generally. An appendix contains annual and decennial price and wage indexes.

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