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The Bringer Of War

Tekijä: Dylan Birtolo

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
The stand-alone sequel to The Shadow Chaser, an urban fantasy novel. Three months have passed since Darien Yost learned that the world was not all he believed it to be - that underneath the surface of the world he knew, people exist with the ability to shift between human and animal form at will. These people, who have waged a secret war for centuries, now struggle for control over Darien's destiny. Even among the shifters, he has a special power - one that they believe could tip the scales of balance. Now, Darien and his friends are hunting the organization of shifters that tried to enslave him three months ago. Meanwhile, a renegade shifter with secrets of her own tries to pull him away from his friends. She believes that together they would be unstoppable. Alone, their fates could be madness.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatSESchend, ldjessee

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The stand-alone sequel to The Shadow Chaser, an urban fantasy novel. Three months have passed since Darien Yost learned that the world was not all he believed it to be - that underneath the surface of the world he knew, people exist with the ability to shift between human and animal form at will. These people, who have waged a secret war for centuries, now struggle for control over Darien's destiny. Even among the shifters, he has a special power - one that they believe could tip the scales of balance. Now, Darien and his friends are hunting the organization of shifters that tried to enslave him three months ago. Meanwhile, a renegade shifter with secrets of her own tries to pull him away from his friends. She believes that together they would be unstoppable. Alone, their fates could be madness.

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