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Unveiling the Kings of Israel: Revealing the…

Unveiling the Kings of Israel: Revealing the Bible's Archaeological History (vuoden 2011 painos)

Tekijä: David Down (Tekijä)

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842324,607 (4.75)-
Unearth the history of Israel and see the devastating periods of loss and exile through the lens of archaeology. David Down, a field archaeologist who excavates regularly in Israel, shares his research to help you explore the accuracy of Christian history from the Global Flood through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. With 20 fascinating chapters, you can study the real evidence related to the remarkable people and pivotal events you have read about in the Bible. For further study, investigate the four appendices, which include:Tabernacle LifeSolomon's TempleThe Dead Sea ScrollsPatriarchs, Chronological Table, and Tables of Weights and MeasuresUnveiling the Kings of Israel is a captivating read for anyone interested in ancient civilizations, Christian history, Israel, Egypt and the Bible. With beautiful illustrations and the author's personable writing style, this text will delight students, history buffs and scholars ages 10 to 100.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Unveiling the Kings of Israel: Revealing the Bible's Archaeological History
Kirjailijat:David Down (Tekijä)
Info:Master Books (2011), 176 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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Unveiling the Kings of Israel (tekijä: David Down)


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näyttää 2/2
The historical realiability of the Bible is being challenged by secular archaelogists claiming there is no eveidence to support many of the Bible passages.
Correctly interpreted however, the historic records of Egypt show amazing consistency with the Bible.
Through maps, current photographs and significant research, David Downs is able to provide the reader with evidence for many of the historic stories in Genesis, Exodus, Joshua, 11 Kings, Daniel, Esther and more!
Amazing organization, this breathtaking hardback book would make a fantastic text for a study in Biblical History. Excllent resource for homeschool families that will be treasured for the next generation.
I have yet to see a book so detailed in God rich history, yet simple enough for the basic scholar to glean from.
The highest rating from me on this book!! ( )
  MelanieSki | Nov 20, 2011 |
Unearth the history of the small nation of Israel. Using the bible as an amazing historical record and the archaeological discoveries continue to prove the validity and significance of God‘s Word.

What an amazing hardcover book from New Leaf Publishing. I love history and add in Biblical history makes it that much more amazing. You will discover some modern archeological finds. The pictures are detailed and the pages are jammed packed with information that is easy to understand.

You will see relevant maps, gorgeous photos of the actual ruins. The pictures are amazing. This book is divided into twenty chapters that reveal archaeological finds. This would make a wonderful reference and encyclopedia to anyone’s library. Chapter titles include: Abraham came from Ur, Joseph to Moses, David as King, and many other wonderful chapters. You have passages of the biblical accounts included to support the validity. Appendix has a lot of information from the Tabernacle, charts, and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

I was very impressed with this book and look forward to using it in our homeschool. My husband will be able to find some useful information when putting together bible lessons.

Disclaimer: I provided a copy of this book from New Leaf Publishing Group/Master Books for free in order to write this review. All thoughts and opinions are mine and were not subject to editing from the publisher. ( )
  Reneekn | Aug 10, 2011 |
näyttää 2/2
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Unearth the history of Israel and see the devastating periods of loss and exile through the lens of archaeology. David Down, a field archaeologist who excavates regularly in Israel, shares his research to help you explore the accuracy of Christian history from the Global Flood through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. With 20 fascinating chapters, you can study the real evidence related to the remarkable people and pivotal events you have read about in the Bible. For further study, investigate the four appendices, which include:Tabernacle LifeSolomon's TempleThe Dead Sea ScrollsPatriarchs, Chronological Table, and Tables of Weights and MeasuresUnveiling the Kings of Israel is a captivating read for anyone interested in ancient civilizations, Christian history, Israel, Egypt and the Bible. With beautiful illustrations and the author's personable writing style, this text will delight students, history buffs and scholars ages 10 to 100.

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