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Chronicles, Consuls, and Coins: Historiography and History in the Later Roman Empire

Tekijä: R. W. Burgess

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
The papers collected in this volume focus on the sources for reconstructing the history of the third to fifth centuries AD. The first section, 'Historiography', looks at a small group of chronicles and breviaria whose texts are fundamental for our reconstruction of the history of the third and fourth centuries, some well known, others much less so: Eusebius of Caesarea, Jerome, the lost Kaisergeschichte, and Eutropius. In this section the goal in each case is a specific attempt to come to a better understanding of the structure, composition, date, or author of these historical texts. The second section, 'History', presents a group of historical studies, ranging in time from the death of Constantine in 337 to the vicennalia of Anastasius in 511. In these papers the keys to the conclusions offered arise from a better understanding of the literary sources - particularly chronicles and consularia -, an understanding of the evolution of historical accounts over time, or the employment of sources that are either new or unusual in these particular contexts: consular fasti, coins, papyri, and itineraries.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatCrooper, Lumisnumis, cemanuel

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The papers collected in this volume focus on the sources for reconstructing the history of the third to fifth centuries AD. The first section, 'Historiography', looks at a small group of chronicles and breviaria whose texts are fundamental for our reconstruction of the history of the third and fourth centuries, some well known, others much less so: Eusebius of Caesarea, Jerome, the lost Kaisergeschichte, and Eutropius. In this section the goal in each case is a specific attempt to come to a better understanding of the structure, composition, date, or author of these historical texts. The second section, 'History', presents a group of historical studies, ranging in time from the death of Constantine in 337 to the vicennalia of Anastasius in 511. In these papers the keys to the conclusions offered arise from a better understanding of the literary sources - particularly chronicles and consularia -, an understanding of the evolution of historical accounts over time, or the employment of sources that are either new or unusual in these particular contexts: consular fasti, coins, papyri, and itineraries.

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