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Andres Gonzalez de Barcia and the Creation of the Colonial Spanish American Library (Studies in Book and Print Culture)

Tekijä: Jonathan Earl Carlyon

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One of early Enlightenment Spain's most important scholars, Andrés González de Barcia (1673-1743) produced more than two dozen critical editions of some of Spain's most significant works on the New World, many of which were already rare when he published them. In this highly original new book, Jonathan E. Carlyon traces González de Barcia's work as editor, bibliographer, and author, focusing on his program of scholarly republication that resulted in the creation of the first comprehensive colonial Spanish American library.González de Barcia established his collection to provide the historiography of the period with an order and clarity. He sought to underline what he considered to be the truth regarding colonial Spain by supplying his editions with marginal notes, prefatory writings, and scholarly indices. In so doing, he prepared the foundation for the modern study of colonial Spanish American letters. Andrés González de Barcia and the Creation of the Colonial Spanish American Library is an investigation into González de Barcia and his editorial agenda. It is essential to understanding the nature and importance of this great scholar and his contribution to the development of Spanish historiography, bibliography, and book history.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajattophats, ficekrichard47

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One of early Enlightenment Spain's most important scholars, Andrés González de Barcia (1673-1743) produced more than two dozen critical editions of some of Spain's most significant works on the New World, many of which were already rare when he published them. In this highly original new book, Jonathan E. Carlyon traces González de Barcia's work as editor, bibliographer, and author, focusing on his program of scholarly republication that resulted in the creation of the first comprehensive colonial Spanish American library.González de Barcia established his collection to provide the historiography of the period with an order and clarity. He sought to underline what he considered to be the truth regarding colonial Spain by supplying his editions with marginal notes, prefatory writings, and scholarly indices. In so doing, he prepared the foundation for the modern study of colonial Spanish American letters. Andrés González de Barcia and the Creation of the Colonial Spanish American Library is an investigation into González de Barcia and his editorial agenda. It is essential to understanding the nature and importance of this great scholar and his contribution to the development of Spanish historiography, bibliography, and book history.

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