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The Science of Stephen King: From Carrie to Cell, The Terrifying Truth Behind the Horror Master's Fiction

Tekijä: Lois H. Gresh, Robert Weinberg

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40-631,285 (5)-
Advance Praise ""What a treasure house is this book! Robots, space aliens, Einstein, black holes, time travel--these themes, and much more, from Stephen King's amazing books are opened up like toy chests. It's tremendous fun, entirely educational, and a great tribute to King."" --Peter Straub ""A fun, fun read."" --F. Paul Wilson ""The Science of Stephen King appeals to both the scientist and the longtimereader of Stephen King in me. Gresh and Weinberg use concepts from King's fiction as launching pads for in-depth explorations of concepts as diverse as ESP, pyrokinesis, time travel, artificial intelligence, quantum chemistry, alternate realities, string theory, and the possibility that we'll be visited by aliens or that we'll face a global pandemic. Much of what Stephen King writes about in his novels is closer to reality than you might think."" --Bev Vincent, Ph.D., author of The Road to the Dark Tower ""A superb overview of King's use of scientific concepts in his stories. And considering all the scary talk lately about pandemic flu, their chapter on The Stand is timely as hell."" --Stephen Spignesi, author of The Complete Stephen King Encyclopedia ""Just as Sagan and Asimov popularized science to the masses by making itentertaining and informative, so too do Gresh and Weinberg.Compulsively readable and thought-provoking."" --George Beahm, author of The Stephen King Companion… (lisätietoja)

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Gresh, Lois H.ensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Weinberg, Robertpäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
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Advance Praise ""What a treasure house is this book! Robots, space aliens, Einstein, black holes, time travel--these themes, and much more, from Stephen King's amazing books are opened up like toy chests. It's tremendous fun, entirely educational, and a great tribute to King."" --Peter Straub ""A fun, fun read."" --F. Paul Wilson ""The Science of Stephen King appeals to both the scientist and the longtimereader of Stephen King in me. Gresh and Weinberg use concepts from King's fiction as launching pads for in-depth explorations of concepts as diverse as ESP, pyrokinesis, time travel, artificial intelligence, quantum chemistry, alternate realities, string theory, and the possibility that we'll be visited by aliens or that we'll face a global pandemic. Much of what Stephen King writes about in his novels is closer to reality than you might think."" --Bev Vincent, Ph.D., author of The Road to the Dark Tower ""A superb overview of King's use of scientific concepts in his stories. And considering all the scary talk lately about pandemic flu, their chapter on The Stand is timely as hell."" --Stephen Spignesi, author of The Complete Stephen King Encyclopedia ""Just as Sagan and Asimov popularized science to the masses by making itentertaining and informative, so too do Gresh and Weinberg.Compulsively readable and thought-provoking."" --George Beahm, author of The Stephen King Companion

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