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No Way Baby! Exploring, Understanding and…

No Way Baby! Exploring, Understanding and Defending the Decision NOT to Have Children (vuoden 2010 painos)

Tekijä: Karen Foster

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5-3,037,690 (4)-
Updated for 2012: Forty years after throwing off the shackles of a patriarchy that required nothing less than marriage and babies from its female citizens, women continue to fall prey to the conventional wisdom that you "grow up, get married and have children." This is just the tip of the melting ice berg. While our planet struggles to maintain the over 6.5 billion humans already ravaging her splendor, women (and men) still encounter resistance by family and friends solely because they have decided not to breed another ravenous consumer. In "No Way Baby!" the decision not to have children is examined and defended so that the choice may be better understood. With ongoing narrative intertwined with insights from 40+ childfrees living on the front lines, Karen Foster makes the case that it is time to stop obligatory procreation and recognize that childfree adults make a valuable contribution to society that benefit everyone - even children.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:No Way Baby! Exploring, Understanding and Defending the Decision NOT to Have Children
Kirjailijat:Karen Foster
Info:CreateSpace (2010), Kindle Edition, 224 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):****
Avainsanoja:childfree, childless by choice


No Way Baby!: Exploring, Understanding, and Defending the Decision NOT to Have Children (tekijä: Karen Foster)

Viimeisimmät tallentajatzoey99, AmbeReads, Ceiteag, TudorLady

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Updated for 2012: Forty years after throwing off the shackles of a patriarchy that required nothing less than marriage and babies from its female citizens, women continue to fall prey to the conventional wisdom that you "grow up, get married and have children." This is just the tip of the melting ice berg. While our planet struggles to maintain the over 6.5 billion humans already ravaging her splendor, women (and men) still encounter resistance by family and friends solely because they have decided not to breed another ravenous consumer. In "No Way Baby!" the decision not to have children is examined and defended so that the choice may be better understood. With ongoing narrative intertwined with insights from 40+ childfrees living on the front lines, Karen Foster makes the case that it is time to stop obligatory procreation and recognize that childfree adults make a valuable contribution to society that benefit everyone - even children.

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