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Living with hope : African churches and HIV/AIDS 1

Tekijä: Ezra Chitando

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Addressing the need for an in-depth understanding and analysis of how Churches in Africa are living with the epidemic of HIV/AIDS, Ezra Chitando's book insists that the church must accompany people and communities living with HIV and AIDS on their journeys of faith. He argues that the church in Africa must be one with friendly feet, which ministers to every need, thus repenting its negative attitudes as well as the stigma and discrimination surrounding the disease. As it works with and among those living with HIV, it must also interrogate its theology, its attitude to sexuality and its gender insensitivity and awaken to the realisation that it must become an all-embracing community. Chitando insists that a church with friendly feet does not pose questions about the moral standing of those with whom it is journeying. African churches need friendly feet to journey with individuals and communities living with HIV and AIDS, warm hearts to demonstrate compassion and anointed hands to effect healing. Reflecting on these themes, Living with Hope is the first of two books.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatequipmoz, TBNCTS, PilgrimChurch

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Addressing the need for an in-depth understanding and analysis of how Churches in Africa are living with the epidemic of HIV/AIDS, Ezra Chitando's book insists that the church must accompany people and communities living with HIV and AIDS on their journeys of faith. He argues that the church in Africa must be one with friendly feet, which ministers to every need, thus repenting its negative attitudes as well as the stigma and discrimination surrounding the disease. As it works with and among those living with HIV, it must also interrogate its theology, its attitude to sexuality and its gender insensitivity and awaken to the realisation that it must become an all-embracing community. Chitando insists that a church with friendly feet does not pose questions about the moral standing of those with whom it is journeying. African churches need friendly feet to journey with individuals and communities living with HIV and AIDS, warm hearts to demonstrate compassion and anointed hands to effect healing. Reflecting on these themes, Living with Hope is the first of two books.

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