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Ladataan... Internet marketing : building advantage in the networked economy (vuoden 2003 painos)Tekijä: Rafi Mohammed
TeostiedotInternet Marketing with E-Commerce Powerweb (tekijä: Rafi Mohammed)
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This text presents a road-tested framework to help students and practitioners understand how to think about and implement effective Internet marketing programmes. The focus is on using marketing levers to vary the level of intensity that the consumer has with a website to build a relationship with the customer through four stages (from Awareness, to Exploration/Expansion, to Commitment, and possibly through Dissolution). This four-stage, customer-centric framework shows readers how to use the Internet to create intense and profitable relationships with their customers. The authors focus on two primary forces that the Internet brings to marketing - the individual and interactivity - detailing how these forces influence key marketing levers and how they can be leveraged to create intense relationships with customers. Kirjastojen kuvailuja ei löytynyt. |
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