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Who am I? And What am I Doing Here?,…

Who am I? And What am I Doing Here?, Textbook (vuoden 2010 painos)

Tekijä: John Hay (Tekijä)

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96-285,659 (4)-
Our children are bombarded daily with competing messages. Every song, movie, book, TV show, blog, and game is full of ideas - ideas about God, people, truth, beauty, and right and wrong. Not all of these ideas are true. Some are deceptive and even destructive. The What We Believe series helps children learn to discern the truth by using God's Word as a lens through which to view the world around them - to see everything the way God sees it. Easy to use for the whole family, this is the second book in a four-part study that introduces young people, ages 6-14, to the basic truths of the Christian faith. Through engaging stories, creative notebooking, and fun activities, they will come to understand what it means to be fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of the Most High God. This study will enable children to develop a healthy, biblical self-image and a sense of God-given purpose that will last a lifetime.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Who am I? And What am I Doing Here?, Textbook
Kirjailijat:John Hay (Tekijä)
Info:Apologia Press (2010), Edition: What We Believe, Volume 2, 272 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


Who Am I? (And What Am I Doing Here?) -- Biblical Worldview of Self-Image (What We Believe, Volume 2) (tekijä: John Hay)


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Our children are bombarded daily with competing messages. Every song, movie, book, TV show, blog, and game is full of ideas - ideas about God, people, truth, beauty, and right and wrong. Not all of these ideas are true. Some are deceptive and even destructive. The What We Believe series helps children learn to discern the truth by using God's Word as a lens through which to view the world around them - to see everything the way God sees it. Easy to use for the whole family, this is the second book in a four-part study that introduces young people, ages 6-14, to the basic truths of the Christian faith. Through engaging stories, creative notebooking, and fun activities, they will come to understand what it means to be fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of the Most High God. This study will enable children to develop a healthy, biblical self-image and a sense of God-given purpose that will last a lifetime.

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