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Coaching Skills for Nonprofit Managers and Leaders: Developing People to Achieve Your Mission (Josseybass)

Tekijä: Judith Wilson

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
14-1,453,257 (4)-
The only nonprofit orientation to coaching skills available, Coaching Skills for Nonprofit Leaders will provide nonprofit managers with an understanding of why and how to coach, how to initiate coaching in specific situations, how to make coaching really work, and how to refine coaching for long-term success. Coaching Skills for Nonprofit Leaders offers practical steps for coaching leaders to greatness and complements the academic and theoretical work in nonprofit leadership theory. The book can be used by the coaching novice as a thorough topical overview or by those more experienced with coaching as a quick reference or refresher. Based on the Inquiry Based Coaching? approach, Coaching Skills will strengthen and expand the reader?s ability to drive organization mission, while retaining the intrinsic values of the nonprofit culture and working towards outcomes that create a culture of discipline and accountability and empower others to be even more responsible, accountable, and self-motivated. This book uses accessible language, examples, case studies, key questions, and exercises to help: Promote better relationships Know when to delegate, direct and coach. Balance directive and supportive styles of leadership for productive partnerships Overcome fears and deal head-on with difficult situations and conflict. Use coaching for performance improvement and on-the-job development. Support independent thinking and personal reflection Gain commitment and accountability from others and build teams… (lisätietoja)

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The only nonprofit orientation to coaching skills available, Coaching Skills for Nonprofit Leaders will provide nonprofit managers with an understanding of why and how to coach, how to initiate coaching in specific situations, how to make coaching really work, and how to refine coaching for long-term success. Coaching Skills for Nonprofit Leaders offers practical steps for coaching leaders to greatness and complements the academic and theoretical work in nonprofit leadership theory. The book can be used by the coaching novice as a thorough topical overview or by those more experienced with coaching as a quick reference or refresher. Based on the Inquiry Based Coaching? approach, Coaching Skills will strengthen and expand the reader?s ability to drive organization mission, while retaining the intrinsic values of the nonprofit culture and working towards outcomes that create a culture of discipline and accountability and empower others to be even more responsible, accountable, and self-motivated. This book uses accessible language, examples, case studies, key questions, and exercises to help: Promote better relationships Know when to delegate, direct and coach. Balance directive and supportive styles of leadership for productive partnerships Overcome fears and deal head-on with difficult situations and conflict. Use coaching for performance improvement and on-the-job development. Support independent thinking and personal reflection Gain commitment and accountability from others and build teams

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