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Frank Sinatra, My Father

Tekijä: Nancy Sinatra

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
73-367,413 (3.5)1
Frank Sinatra was one of the most popular entertainers of the twentieth century, with more than 100 charted songs and a successful film career, as well as the recipient of an Academy Award and nine Grammys. As the icon to millions of fans around the world, Sinatra was the subject of countless tabloid stories as well as several unauthorized biographies. This is the only authorized biography of the charismatic superstar, as told by his daughter, Nancy Sinatra. With unabashed love and surprising candor, this memoir captures the understanding and depth of feeling that could only come from someone so closely linked to Frank. Accounts of her father's rise to fame as a hit singer, movie star, and international celebrity are as detailed as the stories of scandalous divorces, Frank Jr.' s kidnapping, the false rumors of Mafia connections, and more. Listeners will treasure portions of this audio which feature actual recordings of Sinatra himself, relating the stories of his life.… (lisätietoja)

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Frank Sinatra was one of the most popular entertainers of the twentieth century, with more than 100 charted songs and a successful film career, as well as the recipient of an Academy Award and nine Grammys. As the icon to millions of fans around the world, Sinatra was the subject of countless tabloid stories as well as several unauthorized biographies. This is the only authorized biography of the charismatic superstar, as told by his daughter, Nancy Sinatra. With unabashed love and surprising candor, this memoir captures the understanding and depth of feeling that could only come from someone so closely linked to Frank. Accounts of her father's rise to fame as a hit singer, movie star, and international celebrity are as detailed as the stories of scandalous divorces, Frank Jr.' s kidnapping, the false rumors of Mafia connections, and more. Listeners will treasure portions of this audio which feature actual recordings of Sinatra himself, relating the stories of his life.

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