Ovid's Valley - new GREAT fantasy novel

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Ovid's Valley - new GREAT fantasy novel

Tämä viestiketju on "uinuva" —viimeisin viesti on vanhempi kuin 90 päivää. Ryhmä "virkoaa", kun lähetät vastauksen.

heinäkuu 11, 2013, 4:59 pm

Useat käyttäjät ovat merkinneet tämän viestin asiattomaksi eikä sitä enää näytetä. (näytä)
I'm new to LibraryThing and absolutely love it. My favorite books to read are in the Fantasy Genre. I just read a new book I bought on amazon recently called Ovid's Valley by Eric Patrick Clayton and thought I'd share with everyone that I highly recommend it. It's an adult contemporary fantasy novel, written very well with a lot of fantastical elements and great characterization. You guys should check it out!! Let me know if you have any recommendations! Thanks!

heinäkuu 11, 2013, 5:04 pm

You look nice in that Skirt Eric

marraskuu 7, 2013, 5:04 pm

I'll check it out! :)
I highly recommend The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind. Book 1 is Wizard's First Rule - you'll be blown away!

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