Penguin Ink editions

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Penguin Ink editions

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lokakuu 7, 2011, 5:39 pm

Penguin is doing some interesting things with their covers lately. Here is a series that they're re-releasing with tattoo art covers:

None of these tempt me. How about you? (I'm okay with not being tempted because they have other new lines that I'm spending too much $$ on!).

lokakuu 8, 2011, 12:51 pm

i like the High Fidelity one, but not really enough to buy it. otherwise, none of the other books intrigue me enough for the covers to make a difference.

i'm drooling over the Penguin Threads series, which makes these look cheap.

lokakuu 8, 2011, 1:14 pm

yes, the Penguin Threads are gorgeous! I'm a bit disappointed in the books they chose, as I don't need yet another copy of any of those, but they are very tempting.